Part 18:A step backwards:

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⚠️crying,panic attacks,chocking,mentions of feeling like drowning.mentions of suicide.⚠️

Wilburs POV:
I opened my eyes slowly to be met with a pair of green ones.
I jolted upwards almost head butting the person who was there.As my eyes slowly started adjusting I realised the person who was in front of me was.

Dream....and everyone else.

Uh oh.

Dreams POV:
As I walked into the rental house I noticed that someone was missing.I put my keys down on the counter and walked into the lounge room.Phil,techno,Tubbo and George were there watching TV under blankets with the room being dark from the fact that all the curtains were drawn and the lights were off.I smiled and went to sit next to George.He smiled at me and snuggled close, moving the blanket so it was over me.

"Hey, were is Wilbur?"I said wrapping my arms around him

"Hmmm"he hummed looking up at me.

"Where is Wilbur?"I said stretching a little bit.

"Oh Wilbur"George said. "He said he was going to check up on Tommy, he said he would only be a like half an hour cause we are going to see him tonight"

"Oh ok" I said getting comfortable and relaxing.

*time skip :) *

It had been around 2 hours since I had gotten home and Wilbur was meant to be home by now.I looked around the room to see everyone starting to get up since the movie had just finished and we were going to see Tommy.I got up, put the blanket away and grabbed my phone of the counter were I had left it.I opened up the messages between me and Wilbur and sent him a message.

Wilbur scoot🎸

Remember to bring food this time.
Read 1:03pm Wednesday

Yes Wilbur lol
Read 1:04pm Wednesday


Hey Wilbur were here coming to the hospital,you need anything?

The message had been left on delivered.I frowned a little but as Wilbur almost always answered his texts so i was a bit confused but I shrugged it off.

As I saw everyone start to get my shoes off I did the same.Once everyone was ready we all got settled into the car and drove to the hospital.

*yes another time skip*

When we got there I felt off.Like something wasn't right.I think George and tubbo caught onto it cause they both asked me if I was alright cause I was fidgeting.I told them I was fine and just decided to put it to the excitement of it getting closer to Tommy coming home.We still had to decide where Tommy was going to go and if any of his family would take him.We didn't really want that to happen cause I remember wilbur telling me that Tommy told him that the only family left was in his dads side and obviously it being his dads side of the family made me wary but apparently there all strict.We are just gonna have to see what happens but I was considering buying a huge house and bringing tones of people from the dream smp to come live with us if they want.We have been talking about it for ages even before the whole Tommy situation but now we wanted to do it even more because of what happened.You know tommy was so close to death so why not live a little.

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