Part 14:Long road ahead part 2:

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Tw:⚠️Panic attack,description of severe injuries,mentions of death⚠️:Tw

Technos POV:

Hours had gone by.I was running off the little sleep I had the day before as I couldn't sleep.I looked over to see everyone curled up on there seats asleep.Looking at the light blue wall I could feel my hands start to grip tighter onto the arm rests.

The annoying ticking of the clock fills my ears.

My mind was racing with thoughts.

The room was silent apart from the clock making me feel so alone.

I wanted Tommy but I knew that I still had hours to wait before I could see his face agian.

Hopefully he would be in a better condition when I see him next.He is a tough one that's for sure but the extent of his injuries looked horrible,like body shutting down horrible.

I felt sweat dripping down my forehead and I stressed.I was tense and needed to release my anxiety but I couldn't.

Tommy's dead.

Tommy's going to die and it's gonna be your fault.

You failed him.

You stupid fuck.

You should be in his place.

The voices in my head were getting worse.

Fuck I hadn't had my medication in a couple days

I could not longer hear the sounds of the clock anymore,them being replaced with the voices.I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them in anyway to comfort myself.

My head was pounding and it was getting worse.

I covered my ears in hope that it would make it better but instead it made them louder,much more angrier.

I couldn't breath.I felt my ears clog up and in anyway to stay grounded I dug my nails into my arm.


I whispered to myself.

I couldn't do this anymore.

Philzas POV:

I woke up to try sounds of someone whispering something to them self.I stretched a little and sat up,rubbing my eyes being able to see better.As my vision become better my eyes locked with a panicked techno hugging himself digging his nails into his arms.He was was whispering no over and over agian to himself.

I had heard techno mention that he suffered from schizophrenia before which made him hear voices.

I didn't know what to do so I just got up and crouched informs of him.

"Techno mate can you hear me.What can I do to help?" I said not touching him or anything.

"P-phill make t-them go away....p-please"he said,his pink eyes glossing over with tears.

"Oh techno,Will a hug be ok" I said cringing slightly,I didn't know what to do.

He nodded and I moved closer holding him close.

"It's ok,your gonna be ok.There no real."I repeated a couple times.

He started crying harder.So I held him close and started shoosing him.

"I'm here techno,your ok.Your safe let it all out"I said closing my eyes and resting my head on his.

He cried a bit more before slowly calming down.
I rocked us side to side in hopes that it would be comforting.

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