Part 29:Being safe comes with a cost:

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⚠️TW:Death, fire, crying, mentions of injuries:TW⚠️

Wilburs POV:

"TOMMY!"I screamed flinging the car door open.

No No No no no no no this couldn't be happening.

I quickly undid my seatbelt and threw myself out of the car.

"WILBUR!"Phil screamed trying to garb my arm but was to late.

My heart was pounding in my chest.

i couldnt breath.

I took a deep breath in and raced forward.My mind was no longer in control, all i could think about was tommy.

where is he!?

"Sir you cant be here, get down to the bottom of the hill now!"A officer yelled grabbing me by the arm.

"NO PLEASE, PLEASE MY BABY BROTHER IS IN THERE, HE...... HE WILL BE SCARED PLEASE LET ME IN!!"i yelled struggling against his grip.

"No im sorry you cant go in there, we will get him out i swear!'the officer yelled pushing me down the hill.

There was no way i wasn't going in there and saving him.

Tears built up in my eyes, i had enough.

kicking my leg forward i hit the officer right in the shin causing him to hunch over forward in pain.

quickly scrambling from his grasp, i heard him yelling for me to stop but i didnt and headed straight for the door.

The door which was burning, in fact the entire house was black and either on fire or smouldering.I breathed heavily and took a step back, quickly shouldering the door,i groaned in pain but tried again.

but it wouldn't budge.

The tears where now replaced with angry ones and i could feel the rage taking over me.

"come on!" i yelled shoving the door.

But yet again, it still wouldn't budge.

No.I promised tommy that he would be safe, i promised him that no matter what, his big brother would be there and now, now here i was griping onto my hair in frustration, running out of air to breath and panicking.

Tears poured down my face as i screamed in frustration, putting all my weight into the shove and hitting the door.

And finally it opened.

Tommys POV:

"I- it's not what it looks like!"My grandmother yelled, breath short.

"But it is, oh loran what did we talk about.....

"The little bitch must die, and I will come to nothing to make it happen"

My grandfather ran forward, grabbing me by the arm and pushing my grandma to the floor.

"NO, i....I STOP"My grandma pleaded, trying to get up but unfortunately failing.

"We made a promise remember, he dies and finally, finally the voices will be gone and we can live together in love, just like the way things were"He said dragging me across the floor.

The pain, oh the pain i cant even describe how horrible and scarring it was.Its a pain you will never forget no matter how much you try.

"Please it, it was never meant to go this far.YOU PROMISED IT WOULD NEVER GO THIS FAR"She sobbed clutching onto what ever she could find.

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