Part 31:discussion:

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my art :]

TW:⚠️Yelling, heaven?? (Just in case )⚠️:TW


"So what happened" a cop said facing the group.

"What?" Wilbur said looking puzzled

"What happened and why the HELL did you go into the house when a officer told you not to already"the cop folded his arms

"Oh for god sake" Wilbur mumbled

"He was trying to get his little brother"Phill spoke up.

"Tommy, Tommy Innit.He's, he's not my real brother but we have such a close bond that we might as well be brothers."

"He- he was in there and there was no way I wasn't saving him.He was scared and wanted me, he would respond to me, I KNOW HIS NAME!" Wilbur yelled getting pissed

"That means nothing sir.You got told not to go in there and you went anyway."

Wilbur was just about to punt the guy.

"We will be taking you all to the station we're you will be questioned."

"Right" Dream mumbled.

"Wait can I quickly do something."

The guy sighed but nodded putting a hand against his forehead.


"Niki tell everyone to come to the uk right now, Tommy needs us"


"So your telling me that you killed your wife and severely wounded your son?"


"John my son this is bad..

"I know, I know"

"So what are you gonna do now?"

"I don't know"

"Wait dad...

"You hate tommy right?"

"Why don't you invite your perfect little grandson over?"

Wilburs POV:
That son of a bitch.

As soon as I saw his pathetic face behind those bars, I felt the rage take over me.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I spat grabbing the man by the collar.

"Wilbur!"I heard Phil yell putting a hand on my shoulder, but I shook it off,

"I should fucking kill you, you fucking Bitch!"I yelled letting go off his jumpsuit.

My words were nothing to him as he let out a chuckle.

"Well, I see my son did have people that cared, OH RIGHT.Your the ones that were on that call oh so long ago."

"Nice to meet ya Wilbur..."

Tommy's POV:

"Tommy you need to wake up"


I shot up coughing like I was being held under water.

"Tommy, I- what are you doing here yet again?"

My eyes soon adjusted to the bright lights and I could feel the warmth around me.


Such a peaceful place.

I didn't wanna be here.

"Mum please!" I yelled jumping up running into her arms,

"I need to go home, with Wilbur, no one else"

"Tommy what happened?"

I stopped.

My grandfather.

He put me here.

The fire.

The house.

My grandmother.


Looking up at my mothers concerned yet loving eyes, I took a deep breath in...

Nikis POV:
"Right"I yelled into the mic.

"Everyone needs to book tickets to London right now?"

"What why?"Sapnap asked feeling very confused.


One word and before I knew it, the whole of the discord call was up in arms getting tickets.

"That son of a bitch didn't tell me"Sapnap mumbled, typing away.

"Niki what's wrong with Tommy?"Ranboo mumbled concerned.

"I- I don't know,Wilbur called me at like 3 in the morning to get everyone to book flights and get to the uk"

"He's not answer"jacked grunted getting frustrated.

"Maybe there bringing Tommy home?"Eret suggested getting a few agreements from people.

"But why wouldn't Wilbur tell you Niki?"Quackity spoke.

"Dunno but everyone just book your flights and we will all meet soon"

Agreements and yes's were throne around the call as everyone booked there flights.

George's POV:
"Why must this happen?"I whimpered looking over at dreams cold eyes.

"What?"he grunted.

"No actually, why, why did we let this happen.Remember what we said to Tommy, we were always gonna be there for Tommy and now look we're we are,In jail, Wilbur's about to get arrested or something, Tommy's in another FUCKING COMA, and the sick bastard the hurt Tommy in the first place is here."

"Just face it clay, we're back to square one and we can't do shit about it."I yelled feeling tears brim my eyes.

"Trust me George."Dream spoke kneeling down to my level.

"I already know how fucked we are, but it's people like you who make it so much harder, so suck it up, it's not about you,Grow up!"he spoke so calmly yet, still leaving a chill down my spine.

"I now refuse to leave this hell hole without Tommy, you all agreeing?" Dream looked around waiting for peoples reactions.

"They can all get fucked."tubbo mumbled looking at the clock.

"Where brining back our Tommy whether they like it or not....



Hello!This chapter is a absolute mess but it's pretty well much a filler for the next couple chapters that are to come.Also talking about that, I have a plan for the end of this book which is very exciting, how long it takes is depending on how I am feeling, (cause I fucking hate writing why did I start this book in the first place your wondering, well fuck me im thinking the same thing tooooo)

Remember your amazing, you've got this and I love youUUUuuUUUUuUUUUuUuUuUuUuUUUU!!!


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