Part 24:No...:

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Tw:⚠️Crying, throwing up, mentions of killing, crazy old man⚠️:Tw

Tommy's POV:
As we got closer to the house I felt sick.
I know I haven't even given them a chance but they give a off vibe.
I really wanted to just shrink into a ball, to be unnoticed.So that way if they hated me they wouldn't have to see me.
Staring out the window normally calms my nerves but it didn't this time.I just felt sick and scared.My phone had no reception so I couldn't call or text any of my friends which I was planning to do the entire ride.

"Were here"my grandfather said looking at me coldly stepping out of the car and shutting the door.

I snapped out of my day dream and shook my head.Undoing my seat belt and stepping out of the car I took in the look of the house.

It was blue and white.With yellow,light purple,light blue and pink roses out the front near a white Pickit fence.

With yellow,light purple,light blue and pink roses out the front near a white Pickit fence

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(Imagine it looking some what like that but much bigger and on a huge hill.It's also in a fancy neighbourhood so try to imagine a fancy neighbourhood lol )

It seemed cozy and warm.I really liked the fence.Unfortunately the house was on a huge hill and my legs weren't good with steep hills.

"I suppose I'll take your bag in tommy, since it seems you can't do it."my grandfather said coldly looking me up and down.

I looked down and clenched my teeth.

'No need to be a dick about it you old fart' I thought to myself.

I wobbled over to the boot (back of the car ) and grabbed my crunches in some hope that it would help me get up the hill.

My grandmother went over to the mail box and got the mail and smiled.

I sighed and looked up at this hill.

This was gonna be fun....


Tubbos POV:
We got back to Wilbur's house and brought me back go the beginning of this journey.Everything was still in the same place in Wilbur's bedroom.The 'map' we had made out trying to plan how we were gonna save Tommy.The many different first aid kits that layed empty as we had empty all of the supplies in a huge container,Tissues layed still on the dresser.

Niki had moved in so the rest of the house was cleaned apart from the bedroom.Niki was going to come to the hospital to visit tommy and a bunch of other people were as well but things came up with a lot of them and Tommy had left before they could all come.Everyone still got to 'see' Tommy through FaceTime and send him gifts through mail so it wasn't that bad.

Niki had only moved in the house around two days ago so there was boxes laying around but no Niki.

Looking at the clock I realised.

"If only you cared" (tommyinnit angst)Where stories live. Discover now