Part 19: Why did you do it?:

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⚠️:Details of murder,throwing up,intrusive thoughts and voices:⚠️

*flashback to the day they found Tommy in the house*

Nobody's POV:
The police had taken over pinning Tommy's dad to the floor.Phill had ran over to the group and told the police to be careful since they did see weapons on him.After the police got everything set up in the wagon to take him to the police station they handcuffed Tommy's dad and roughly brought him into the van.Surprisingly Tommy's dad wasn't being difficult.He sat there almost looking Quilty and sad for what he did.But as soon as he saw the ambulance crew bringing Tommy out on a stretcher with a oxygen mask on his face and paramedics rushing around the stretcher to hook him up to many different machines, he smiled.A sickening smile which sent chills down the cops spines.He was chuckling to himself and muttering "I did it" "I did it" over and over agian which made the hearts who heard it drop to there stomachs.It was very obvious that Tommy's dad had some type of mental illness that had turned him into a psycho but they needed to pry the information from him to figure out why he did this.Two cops cooper and jack drove him to the police station while the rest followed.Two cop cars went to the hospital with the boys to aid them.When they unloaded Tommy's dad out he no longer look sad, in fact he looked proud and happy.Most of the police pulled disgusted faces at him as he walked in.Some people who worked there knew who Tommy was and when they found out that the person who did it was comming to there station, they were ready to punt him into the sun.The police guided him to one of the cells and uncuffed him.He sat down and just stared at the wall.He was acting creepy and that put most of the officers of guard and made them feel sick.But they couldn't do anything until they were ready to confront him.

Coopers POV:
We had all the paper work filled out to confront Tommy's father, I found out his name was John and that he was in a relationship with his ex wife Lisa but had divorced 4 years ago.Me and jack sat down at the conference room and waited for the other officers to  bring John in.(Tommy's father will now be referred to as John.)After about and minute or two, my co worker Alec brought them in.

"She's a real cutie"John said referring to Alec.

"Please don't say that and alec isn't a female sir, they are non binary and go by they/them."

Alec looked and me with a great full smile and pushed him into the seat.Alec and me had known each other since we were little kids.They were always optimistic about being a cop and eventually they made me get into it, us now being in our dream job together.

"So John, I quess we should get to the point.......Why the fuck did you do this?"

Johns POV:
"I grew up in a very shitty environment.My mother and father abused and hurt me both emotionally and physically.Always taking there problems out on me, leaving me with ptsd and depression."

I looked over at cooper and he looked a little bit bad for me but didn't show most of it.

"My teen years were the hardest.Since I was "old enough" to take care of my siblings I would often come home from school and have to take care of them.Yes, I loved them but it wasn't my responsibility.As I started getting older I grew more rebellious and eventually snapped at my parents when they demanded that I do it every day.They kicked me out and told me to live with what little friends I had.I didn't have any friends so I just slept on a park bench until...."

I took a deep breath and felt a tingly feeling through my body.

"Lisa.I met Lisa a couple days into me being kicked out.I never noticed her in my classes before but she was very pretty and kind.We had become closer and I told her that I was kicked out.She was shocked and asked her parents if I could come and stay with them, they said yes and I was part of there family."

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