Part 5:Hold on:part 1:

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Tw:⚠️Panic attacks⚠️:Tw

Nobody's POV:

Tommy slowly opens his eyes.He can't see anything and can't feel anything.
"Where the hell am I"Tommy thinks to himself.
As he lays there for a moment flashbacks came back to his mind.
His father beating him,his friends screaming his name,Pain.......his mother being dead.Tommy starts to tear up but instantly stops and a sharp pain was felt through his inter body.He screamed in pain,The pain was mostly comming from his chest and was shooting down towards his stomache.Tommy felt lightheaded and his vision was starting to turn blurry and black.As tommy felt his body fall back down on the floor with a thud all he could say was,
"I'm sorry Mum"
Then he passed out.

Wilburs POV:
As I got up from my desk after leaving the call I felt numb.I really wanted to drive over to Tommy's house to help him but techno said that wouldn't be a good idea as who knows what his father could be doing,He could still be in the house and knowing me I knew that I couldn't fight Tommy's dad off alone,he looked very strong and I was strong but at the same time definitely not as strong as him.I felt my legs start to shake and I grab onto my door,

Tw:⚠️panic attack:⚠️Tw

I start to feel my breathing pick up and tears pouring down my face as I remover what happened to Tommy.I couldn't believe that that once happy boy was now most likely dead and I can't help him cause I know if I go in there by myself I would probably be in Tommy's situation.As I start to panic more I gasp for air.I start to shake and before you know it I'm on my knees on hand on the ground keeping my body up and the other hand covering my mouth.I can see my world start to spin and my body start to fall,I shake and cry I could feel my heartbreaking with every memory that had happened,
"I-I-im s-s-sorry t-t-ommy"is all I could get out before I pass out.

Tw:⚠️trigger warning over ⚠️:tw

Recap:Wilbur had a panic attack about not being able to save Tommy and ends up passing out on the floor.

Dreams POV:
I started buying tickets for techno,George,phill,techno,tubbo and myself as I felt the most responsible.Even though I didn't do this I felt like this was at least one way I could make everyone nerves calm down a bit.I was quite close to Tommy and I was heartbroken.I didn't know if he was alive or not but I felt every part of me hope that he was alive but deep down I felt like he wasn't,He didn't deserve any of this,I started to shake as I recaped what happened in my mind but quickly calm down as I knew that having a panic attack isn't what I needed right now.As I bide the tickets I emailed them to everyone I started to pack,I had to go from California to the uk so it was gonna take some time but I didn't care.I wouldn't care if I had to go through storms and floods I was going to find Tommy and help him cause he deserves to be alive.I just real,y hope he is holding on,

Later in the day :/

Nobody's POV:
Everyone had got there tickets and were going to meet up at the airport.
(In this story Philza,George,dream,techno and tubbo all live in America and Wilbur and Tommy live in the uk)
Dream posted on Twitter saying that they were all gonna take a brake for a while so they could "fix the server" but he told his close friends and people who knew Tommy what had happened.As everyone met at the air port they all hugged,This exactly wasn't the way they wanted to have a meet up but they knew that they had to do this for Tommy.As they all parted from the hug dream looked into everyone's eyes.
Everyone looked dead.They looked so hopeless and sad.I mean they did just see the friend get almost beaten to death and get locked in a closet while they where hours away so He knew that this pain was gonna be felt for a while.As he looked into tubbo eyes he saw the worst pain out of all of them.Tubbos were red,puffy and numb.Tubbo looked pale and sick.As dream looked at tubbo agian tubbo just started crying.Sure tubbo cried but the group never really saw him cry a lot but Tommy did,Tommy knew that he could and would cry easily so he would be respectful and not push boundaries.
As everyone calmed tubbo down they then went on there flight.There flight was gonna be 11 hours long as they were flying from California to London (were Tommy lives)
As they all got seated and prepared for the flight they thought,what sight would they come to when they finally get to Tommy.......


Aye so I'm sorry for writing this story in parts I just am quite tired and don't feel the best but I wanted to get something out but don't worry I'll have a part 2 out tomorrow so look out for that.
Anyway have a good day/night
I love you,your important,you got this!


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