Part 10:hold on part 6:

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Tw⚠️:blood,death threats,(maybe) crying,stabbing wounds, suicidal thoughts:⚠️Tw


Tubbos POV:
",no,no,no...NO.NO,this t-this isn't f-fair..." I said.
"THIS ISNT F-FAIR" I scream tears now pouring down my face.Voice cracking at the last word.
Everyone heard my scream and ran upstairs and ran over to me.
"W-what's wrong tubbo,what is it?" Wilbur said panting from running around everywhere trying to find Tommy
"READ T-THIS" I yelled handing it to Wilbur wrapping my arms around myslef.

Nobody's POV:
Wilbur read out the note aloud and starting sobbing.Everyone was in shock and fear.They didn't know where Tommy was hell they might never know where he is! Once the realisation hit them everyone was soon in tears.Life really wasn't fair to the nice people.Soon the police got there .They came storming in with guns and all ready for any situation.When they walked into the room that the group where in the definitely were surprised to say the least. The police got the group up of the floor and questioned them.Techno showed them around the house,them seeing all the blood and weapons that were littered around the house.A kind angry looking lady came up and asked them to explain every word.When it came to tubbos turn he was finding it hard to explain,Stuttering or having to take a breath with almost every word.She rolled her eyes a couple times and even had the audacity to look down at her watch as if to say "dead god hurry him up" Techno looked at her giving her the death stare, he was vey close to ripping her out from her seat and yeeting her out of the window.

Tubbo was trying hard to explain to the lady what happened from what he heard/saw but obviously it was hard,this was going to be trauma that would last a life time.Tubbo was sitting down in a chair and had the lady I front of him with one of her legs crossing over her other leg.Techno was behind Tubbo with his hands on his shoulders,Wilbur was on the left of Tubbo and phill was next to him.Dream and George were on tubbos right giving blank expressions at the lady.

Tubbo eventually got his story out and with a big sigh and stood up and walked out.Everyone looked over a Tubbo and he walked out before going with him,as techno was the last one out he wanted to make sure that,that lady would know that techno didn't like her.As she packed up her things she looked up to see techno standing in the door way glaring at her.She gave him and confused look,techno the looked her up and down and gave her a angry glare before flipping her off and walking off,techno could hear her mumbling stuff under her breath as he left but he didn't care she deserved it the bitch.

1 hour time skip:

The police eventually left telling the group that they would come back the next day to discuss the next option.Wilbur also told them about Tommy's mum and about how she was somewhere but what he and the rest of the group didn't know was that she was dead.The group decided to just go and stay in a hotel.Let's just say there was a lot of tears and punching of walls that night...

Tommy's POV:
As I opened my eyes a wave of pain was souring through my body.I tried to sit up but I was way to weak to do that now.My head was pounding and my heart was beating fast.My stomachs was burning,it hurt to breathe.I don't think one part of my body wasn't in pain.I looked around to only see a dark room.The smell of the room was horrible,it smelt of blood,alcohol and rotting food.As my vision started to become less blury I could tell that I wasn't in my room,meaning I wasn't in my house.At this Point I just wanted to die,if much rather die then feel this pain.As my eyes fluttered shut I heard footsteps cold close to the door to then open it.I gulped down a wimper and shut my eyes fully closed.The figure walked over to me and crouched down.
"Hello son"
"I know your awake,I have cameras in every room"
"Now since you live under my roof,you will be living under my rules."

I opened my eyes lightly to see the figure of my father hovering over me,from what I could tell he had a psychotic smile and has a cigarette in his hand.

"Now the first rule is you are to not contact anyone,NO ONE must know where you are,you don't understand this Tommy but you deserve this pain,you deserve all this pain.So but must deliver."

"2.I don't care if you are bleeding o death you are to not complain,You deserve pain and complaining will get you hurt more in the long run"

"And last but not least number 3, you won't be getting out of here alive, I will kill you"

His words sent chills down my spine,I was frozen.I knew he was messed up but now I was more sure then ever that he has problems.He laughed and grabbed my chin with his free and and dragged my face to he level with his.I felt the worst pain I have ever felt in my stomach,I was close to screaming but new with these new set of "rules" I would end up dead sooner,which at this point in time death didn't seem to bad.He looked me dead in the eyes and turned my head.he looked at my cheek and smiled,there must have been some bruise or cut or something that he did.
I could feel my eyes getting heavy,I mean my body is shutting down and dying so I know that sleep will come soon.As my dad let's go of my head and gets up he smirks and gives and horrible,evil laugh,

"Sleep well boy cause the fun had just began"


Woop woop finished this chapter,so the next one will be a huge one,it will comet the whole "hold on part" but not the actual story.
Example is that it will be part 1:the park you know something like that.
Anyway hope you enjoyed Thai story and sorry for not being active for like weeks,I just haven't had any motivation but I have written a new book,well I started it so if you like sbi books the you will like it,it's called "A New Begginning" 

Anyway hope you enjoyed Thai story and sorry for not being active for like weeks,I just haven't had any motivation but I have written a new book,well I started it so if you like sbi books the you will like it,it's called "A New Begginning" 

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and this is the photo of the front cover!
So yea if you want give it a look,I'm going to go to bed cause I'm very sleep deprived lol

Remember I love you,you got this and I'm proud of you!!!!


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