Part 8:Hold on part 4:

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Tw⚠️:vomiting,blood,death (mention),knife,stab wounds:⚠️Tw


House layout:

Wilburs POV:As my eyes shot open I clutched at my chest,Another nightmare

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Wilburs POV:
As my eyes shot open I clutched at my chest,
Another nightmare......
I have had 2 tonight and there all about Tommy dying.I rolled over and grabbed my phone which was on the bedside table.I looked at the time which was 6:30 am.I probably had like 2 hours of sleep in total from the nightmares and trying to calm myself down so I could go to sleep.I rolled out of bed and stood up.I stretched and made my way into the kitchen.I walked into the kitchen and sighed.I was gonna have to wake everyone up since we decided that we were going to leave quite early.Now we could have left when we all met but in the end we decided that us all being tired would not help us in helping Tommy.I walked over to the fridge and got out 6 up and go's.

Ok!so I searched up if the uk has up and goes and from what I saw they do.Now if you don't know what an up and go is I'll explain it to you!Now correct me if I'm wrong if they don't actually have them!

An up and go is a drink that you normally have in the morning instead of having food,you have a drink that has like these things called weetbix in them??

I'm actually dog water at explaining things so I'll just show you a photo!

These are them and they hit on a whole other level let me tell you that!Anyway back to the story

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These are them and they hit on a whole other level let me tell you that!
Anyway back to the story.

I walked up the stairs and walked into the bedroom next to the stairs.I knocked on the door.I didn't hear anything so I knocked agian.Yet agian I didn't get a response so I ducked my head in to make sure who ever was in there was ok.I looked over to the bed to see tubbo curled up in a ball,hugging the pillow.I did a small smile and walked over to the bed.



"Time to wake up buddy we have quite a day planned out"

Tubbo yawed and smiled at me.He got up gave me a hug and walked into the bathroom to get dressed.I walked into the bedroom across from that which was Phil's room and woke him up.Next was dream and George's one.Dream and George decided on sharing a bedroom.As I walked in George was being spooned by dream,asleep and dream was awake smiling at George.He didn't notice me walking in and I saw him kiss George's forehead.(have some DNF to cure the soul)

I coughed and he instantly looked over at me and chuckled.I rolled my eyes and told him to wake George up and get ready.

I then walked over to the last bedroom and I knocked.

"C-come in"

I walked in to see a red eyed,crying techno sitting up in bed rubbing his hand.

"Hey techno what's wrong,are you ok"

Techno looked down at the the floor and started bawling.

"Wow,wow,wow,hey techno it's ok"I said as I walked towards him and I wrapped him in a hug.

"I-i-I-I'm s-sorry,I'm j-just so,so s-scared of losing t-Tommy."

Nobody's POV:
Wilbur sat there and comforted techno.Everyone else heard and made there way up,In the end there was a group hug going on and techno,tubbo and Wilbur were crying.Everyone else was in tears.
Eventually everyone calmed down,got dressed had there up and gos and were ready to go.Philza was driving,techno was beside him,Wilbur and tubbo were in the back and dream and George were in the back,back.Beside tubbo they had a bunch of first aid kits and food,water blankets.They were ready to help save there friend.....

Tommy's POV:
As I woke up I felt the worst pain in my head and stomache.As I opened my eyes I saw Notting but darkness.As I closed my eyes again I heard footsteps comming closer to me.I opened my eyes to see him I front of me.

"Here I thought I had killed you but looks like your more stronger then I thought."
"Now I heard those little friends of yours are comming and since you deserve to die alone with no one to save you,I'm gonna take you to a little somewhere special"

I heard my dad say all those things but I didn't care.There was no way I could be saved now.I hadn't had food in two days nor water and I was growing weaker and weaker by the minute.I saw my dad walked away through the door.

What about tubbo
What about Wilbur

Everyone that has ever cared about you.You would be the reason why they would be crushed because you didn't try so get your ass up and ring for help NOW!

I had a random boost of adrenaline and energy and I crawled my way through the doorway into my bedroom.In the proccess I knocked into my nightstand and a glass gar fell off and smashed on the floor.Now I knew that I didn't have a lot of time left because there was no doubt that my dad would have heard that and would be comming up to hurt me.I desperately crawled over to my desk and slumped against it.I closed my eyes and took deep breaths.When I opened them agian all I saw was red.My blood was smeared everywhere.On the walls on the floor.A trail of my blood had come from the bathroom to my bedroom.That's when everything hit me.I looked down to see stab wounds everywhere and a knife protruding out of my stomache.I looked down in disgust and vomited.Even though I had nothing in my stomache stuff still came out,Luckily I missed myself and vomited on the floor next to me.I layed my head back and sobbed.I didn't want to die like this,I was meant to be living my life to the fullest and yet here I was on the bridge of death from my dad.

My dad.....

The person who used to send me to bed with a pat on the head.The person who used to teach me all the wisdom that I needed to know.

The person who loved me....

Was now going to probably be the reason why I don't get to live life anymore.Why my friends won't be able to tell me how much I love them,for tell them how much I love them.I cried and cried and cried for what felt like was hours but was only a couple minutes when footsteps snapped me out of my tears.I was frozen when shock and with fear.I scrambled to get my phone and with a sudden burst of energy managed to run right past my dad into the bathroom and lock it.I stanted there for a couple seconds before my knees gave way and I fell to the floor.My head hitting the tiles causing my head to start to bleed.I shakily grabbed my phone and opened it,At this point I knew my death was about to come.I still had no reception of data so I send one last message even though I knew it wouldn't send and it read

Bee boy

Have a fun stream dude.

"I love you tubbo"
Not delivered
Please if you are with people tell them that I love them to.
Not delivered


Hello!!Been a while but I finally had motivation.So yea!This to me feels a bit rushed so tell me if you feel the same.
Also yes the thing right above this with the bee boy is meant to be a phone messages.

Your awesome,amazing and I'm so proud of you! <3


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