Part 11:Hold on part 7:

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Nobody's POV:
Over the course of a week it was just the same for the group of boys.The day after they got to Tommy's house they went back and talked to the police.The police said they would try to track Tommy's dads phone but apart from that they just have to notify the public if they see Tommy to come forward.Everyone was loosing hope.Even though it had only been a week it felt like a life time.Tubbo closed himself of to anyone.Dream wasn't sleeping well nor was George.Wilbur wasn't eating.Techno was trying to be strong but he just couldn't anymore and phil was bearly getting by.On the first day there was tears,second day anger,third sadness,fourth quilt,fifth regret,sixth more sadness and that leaves us to the seventh day.A week since the lost Tommy....

Wilburs POV:
As I rolled over in my bed I sighed.It was officially a week since we went to Tommy's house to see that he wasn't there.Having no clue were he is, is the hard part but the hardest part is knowing that you could have done something.I was five hours away.FIVE HOURS!!I could have driven over there and helped but nooooo I had to wait cause I was scared........I was scared.All because I couldn't man up and go over there it was my fault.FUCK!

Tears started welling up in my eyes as I looked over to tubbo.His eyes were puffy and red from crying but yet he seemed so peaceful.I haven't seen him like this in over a week.His chest was rising a falling with every even breath.He wasn't having a nightmare.....That was a first.
I rolled back over and looked at the alarm clock.
6:09am it read.
I have been in bed for the past 3 days straight.I can't get up.Guess all the pain and guilt of what happened with Tommy has turned me to depression.when was the last time I ate...I can't even remember nor do I care really.All I want to do is sleep..
As I closed my eyes I could see memories of me and Tommy playing like a movie in my mind...

Brace yourselves it's gonna get crazy from this point on.......

Tommy's POV:
For the past week it's felt like a nightmare.My dad 'started' healing me.He put bandages on my wounds and what not.He gave me food and water.I had a sense of hope that maybe...just maybe he cared.


He never did.

He would heal me up only to hurt me again.Like I was some punching bag.He took the fact that my mother apparently cheated on him with a another man when they were married on me.He would always say it was my fault and that I deserved this.Which I know deep down I didn't but at the same time I probably did.He was only keeping me alive so that way he could use me.....

This brings me to today.I woke up on a cold hard mattress.My bones cracked as I rolled over.I couldn't do this anymore.My head was throbbing my limbs we're bleeding,covered in bruises my torso as well.The stab wound wasn't healing in fact it was getting worse.I didn't have the energy to try and heal my self.The only improvement I noticed is that with the food and water my dad is giving me, I can actually crawl, even though it feels like knifes are being dragged down my back going deeper and deeper each time.

I opened my eyes to see my dad walking down the stairs with bread, an apple and water.

"Hello Thomas"my father spoke.

I stayed silent.

"Here's your food for the day."I'm going out but don't even try to escape I'm locking the basement door which when locked is escapable to get out"

I nodded slightly.He placed the tray down and walked off.The door slamming shut with a locking sound.My eyes locked with the food at I struggled to sit up.It hurt so goddam much. As I layed back on the wall I grabbed the tray and moved it to my lap.I started eating my food and as I did so I looked around the basement.

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