Part 23:Foggy window:

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Tommy's POV:
I felt my heart shatter.
The faces of my friends were nothing but pain, sadness and guilt.
They really didn't want to let me go.I can't blame them, they were the only people who were there for me when even my own family couldn't.
Tubbo, Wilbur, George and phill were tearing up or crying.The others I knew where heartbroken but wouldn't show it so that way they could seem 'strong'.I didn't want to go.I hated them and feared them.The foggy window made me even sad.I put on a sad smile and waved at them.

Hopefully I would see them agian...

Tubbos POV:
Seeing Tommy drive away hurt.We had came to him almost 12 months ago and I knew once he was out of his coma we were gonna have to say goodbye.I knew someone would be cruel enough to take him away from us.I know you can't help when they have families that can take them in but that Dosent mean it still Dosent hurt.

Seeing the car drive away with the two old people who I was skeptical of and my best friend who would have nightmares every night of them made me angry.

"Why couldn't we take him"I said clenching my jaw.

"W-what do you mean Tubbo?"wilbur said looking down at me.

"I don't care if they are 'family', Tommy is clearly shit scared of them, there has to be a reason."I said doing quotation marks when I said family.

"Tubbo.."phill said crouching down next to me like I was a little child.

"Tommy will have trauma for the rest of his life.He has no reason to trust really anyone.I know it's unfair and I do really hoped we could take Tommy with us but we can't.That's how unfortunately the court works.We will see him agian.When we have to face court.I know you don't wanna see him go but he'll be ok"Phill said giving me a sad smile at the end.

"You know come to think of it"Techno said making us all turn to face him.

"Tommy seems scared around really only them? It could just be me being paranoid but I have a feeling somethings up with him and them."he said looking puzzled.

"For now just let it be.Tommy knows when to message us, he knows we will always be there for him.Tommy just needs to settle in with them.He'll be fine"dream said looking straight ahead with a stern face.

"Hey you guys"Tommys nurse said comming up to us.

"I understand some of you flew over seas to come be with Tommy.We need to know if you guys have a place you can go to and if you have a visa which obviously you should have."

"Yea we got a visa once Tommy woke up.We didn't know that he would be in the hospital for over 3 months so we got it a day before we were due to all go back." Phill said standing up.

(Quick thing!
I know this most likely isn't accurate.I would have made it accurate but I have already written to much and to the put where I can't edit it without messing up the story.
If I do end up re writing this book I will make it accurate with the visas and the healing of wounds and what not but for now yes Tommy's life changing wounds only took less than a year)

"Ok good thing, wanted to make sure.Well thankyou for being amazing supporting Tommy through this tough journey and hopefully we never see you agian"the lady chuckled at the last part which made most of us laughing awkwardly.

"Thankyou for healing our boy"phill said shaking the lady's hand.

"No need to thank me, Tommy was a huge inspiration to learn from."She said smiling.

"You guys take care alright"the women said shaking each of our hands.

"By the way my name is Torie so if you ever need me my name is Torie Daniel."

"Ok thankyou torie".Phill said writing it down on his phone.

Torie smiled and walked away.

"On the topic of visas and staying over here, what now?" I said looking a wilbur.

"Well we can stay at mine? Or you guys can go back home I would totally understand if so"Wilbur said picking up bags.

"Wilbur I think we all need to stay together for a bit.Tommy's been through the most but we have also been through a lot.I think we can use each others comfort and I know there is probably other people that would have liked to see Tommy but also us that will most likely fly over"Dream said unlocking the boot (back of the car)

"Honestly I think that would be best for all of us"George sighed putting his bag in the boot.

We all got in the car and I couldn't help but feel sad.Eveyone was mellow which was expected but i think most of us haven't had the time to really process what has happened.

As soon as we saw what happened with Tommy, some tears were shed but no one really had the time to think about what truely happened.Even if it was close to being a year ago it still hasn't set in.

Therapists will most likely be needed as soon as it sets in as we did have to see his father beating him.

It's gonna be a tough ride....


Like all ways no re reading done by me because I can't be bothered :)

Yessss!!I got a chapter out.Not just that but guess what IM GONNA WRITE ANOTHER ONE AND MAYBE GET IT OUT TONIGHT!!Yes big things for me lol.Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

(Things definitely aren't gonna get interesting cough cough)

Remember your amazing, you've got this and I love you <3

~lapislas4367 :)

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