Part 16:your awake:

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Tw:⚠️mentions of drowning,crying⚠️:Tw

Tommy's POV:

I didn't know what had happened in the time I was asleep but I could hear what had happened.I remember hearing peoples voices,doctors voices more of less.They were talking to each other about my wounds and what not but my hearing my a little muffled so I struggled to hear what they said clearly.Then I heard my friends voices,they all sounded so broken,I could tell they had been crying from the sniffles and the way there voices broke when they starting talking.

"O-oh Tommy..."I heard tubbo say comming closer.

"I'm so sorry tommy"I heard wilbur say,the sound becoming louder as he got closer.

"I should have known about this tommy....i-I......I love you tommy"Tubbo said voice breaking mid way (also the love you is creepy people)

"Your a fighter tommy.....that's for sure."I heard Wilbur say

I wanted to respond.I really did.I wanted to scoop him up in a hug and tell him it was ok,tell him that it wasn't his fault and that he and the rest of them saved me.

But I couldn't.

For some reason I couldn't open my eyes nor could I move,I didn't panic though because I felt safe in the presence.

They started talking agian but it was becoming more muffled.It went silent for a little bit before I heard a new voice.

"D-dream I-......he won't be able to hear us"I heard George speak voice breaking.

"Yes he will George,The doctors said he can still hear us.He can't respond but he can still hear us and that's what matters"I heard Dream say comming closer.

I could hear the sadness in both George and dreams voices.I really wanted to get up and hug them but I was still stuck,not being able to move.

"Hey t-Tommy...........I just wanted to say I'm sorry.I really wished we could have got there sooner.You probably want to know what's happening right now,well first of all can I say how lonely it is without your annoying voice"I heard Dream chuckle slightly.

I smiled.though it didn't show on the outside,on the inside I smiled brightly.

"I-I um well second your in a coma tommy"

That shocked me.Well at least I knew why I couldn't move nor talk.

"The doctors say you'll be ok and should be out of it in a week or two but I'm skeptical.Your wounds need a lot of healing and if it means you have to be in it for a week extra then we will wait,no pressure.

Dream was the best.Always putting himself first before me.

I slightly felt warmth near my hand.It was in a very small amount that it was almost unreasonable but I felt it.

"They got your dad t-Tommy.He's going to jail where he will rot away,never being able to hurt you agian-n.But Tommy I'm so sorry about your mum.T-they tried everything but we haven't been able to find her body.....I'm s-so sorry........"I heard Dream brake done into sobs.

Dream and the rest of the group knew how close I was to my mum and how I would drop at anything to protect her.I should have protected her when my dad came into the house but I was still consumed with fear that I couldn't.I felt so useless in that situation.

I heard muffled shuffles come closer and then George's voice.

"Shhhh....s-shhhhh dream it's ok"George said softly.

"If only you cared" (tommyinnit angst)Where stories live. Discover now