Part 3 :i should have known:

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:Tw⚠️panic attacks,stabbing,death,blood,knifes,
(Plz tell me if I forgot anything)


As tommy woke up he was blinded by bright light comming from his window.Tommy growled and shut his blinds but was unable to get back to sleep.
"I feel like streaming today"tommy thought as he got up.Tommy put on his clothes and said good morning to his mum and went to stream.
"HELLO CHAT"Tommy said in his loud voice

As Tommy ended his stream after eating a sandwich he decided to go onto discord and chat with everyone.This was a normal thing now,for quite a few people to be on discord talking to Tommy.As Tommy started talking his phone went off-

Mum :)

Do you hear that?


Confused I looked out my window and my heart dropped.

There was my dad and three men with weapons,

Comming closer.

And as I looked closer, my breath speeding up I saw a face I thought I would never see again....

Wilburs POV:

As I went onto discord I saw a few people talking so I went on,I saw that Tommy's stream had ended and I knew he was going to come to the discord it was just a normal thing now.

As he came in he talked and was his normal,annoying but loveable self.
As I scrolled through my phone I could hear someone gasp and then there breathing speed up.

I heard sniffles and sobs comming from Tommy's end,I shot my head up only to see Tommy sobbing into his arm with his phone in it and his other hand holding on to his desk.
"Tommy mate it's ok"I said trying to calm him.
At this point everyone realised and was quick to trying to comfort tommy,he was struggling to breath and looked like he was about to have a panic attack,I felt so helpless,I lived 5 hours away and I knew I couldn't drive late at night so I just watched as he started to hyperventilate feeling so helpless,but then I hear a scream....

Tommy's POV:
I was now having a full on panic attack,I was watching as everyone scrambled to stop what they were doing to come try to calm me,but it wasn't working it was getting worse.I didn't know what to do, my body was in a shocked mode,I wanted to go down there and scream to my mother to get the hell out but I couldn't,
I was frozen...
As I looked around I saw my vision start to get blurry and the walls caving in.SHIT!I thought,I'm about to pass out.
But that was cut short as I heard a blood curdling scream come from downstairs,it was from my mum....


You thought I was gonna end it na man I'm gonna keep on going

I scrambled to get out of my seat to go downstairs,as I hoped up from my seat and ran down the corridor to the stairs I stoped,what I saw broke my heart.

Tw⚠️: death,stabbing,dragging,blood

I looked over to see my mum being dragged by my dad and two other men with a knife in her throat,My heart broke,I felt my knees buckle and I fell to the ground,my dad must of heard the thud of my body cause he stopped and started moving up the stairs,I quickly dragged myself into my room and locked the door.I went into the corner of my room and tried to grab my phone but it was to late I could hear but dads footsteps getting closer and the yelling of everyone on discord,It was over boys......

Wilbur POV:

I saw Tommy run out of the room only to come back minutes later looking pale and dead/numb on the inside it looked like he saw a ghost and also has his soul sucked out as well.I tired to yell at Tommy to tell me what happened but he didn't listen he went into the corner of his room curled up in a ball and shook,
"Shit",what has the poor 16 year old seen.
As I tried yelling more I heard footsteps come angrily up the steps and before I knew it I saw a door slam open and there stood a crazy man.

Nobody's POV:
As Tommy's dad walked closer to Tommy he looked him up and down and closed the door behind him.He had a box full of different items that would he would use on Tommy

TW:⚠️So like torture stuff,very gruesome so if you can't handle that at the moment the skip I will do a recap at the end that distant involve anything like that :) :⚠️TW

Tommy's dad picked up a hammer and started hitting Tommy with it.

He kept on yelling
I fucking hate you
You deserve this
I hope you die
You are a waste of space

And other horrible things to Tommy.As he had beaten Tommy up pretty bad he unlocked the door and came in with a container.The container was quite small and looked quite dusty so you couldn't see inside of it.As he pulled it off he became quite clear what was in in there,knife,lighters,screws you name it.Tommy's father picked up 2 lighters and started burning the weak boy that layed there.He then moved on to getting a screw driver and waking him with it,he then took the biggest knife and pulled Tommy's shirt off,He then plunged the knife into Tommy's chest and dragged it down his body going down to his belly button,He then closed the lid and kicked Tommy one more time before getting his stuff together and a putting it outside of his door.As he came back into Tommy's room he picked the heavily bleeding Tommy and shoved him into his closet pushing stuff alround him so it wouldn't be easy to see to the naked eye.He then chuckled a evil laugh and went up to Tommy's computer where techno,dream,philza,Wilbur,tubbo and George where in tears screaming at Tommy's father and trying to keep themselves from having a panic attack.In one late smile Tommy's father grabbed the screen and said in a wicked voice

"It's over boys"

TW over:⚠️
Recap!so Tommy's father came into Tommy's room and attacked him and put his unconscious body in his closet and in one last acted of revenge he went up to Tommy's computer where he was still in the discord call with Wilbur,phill,George,dream,techno and tubbo were and said
"It's over boys"!


Woooooo ok so I have finished this chapter don't know why the text type is like this but I don't know how to fix it,I'm sorry for any emotions I cause
Remover I love you your important

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