Part 7:hold on part 3:

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Also have some art I did,it's alright I suppose I like it :)


Tommys POV:
As my eyes slowly fluttered open I felt a sharp pain.I was slowly getting use to the pain even though it had only been a day.I knew I had to try and heal my wounds but I didn't know where I was and I could tell from the little light seeping through what I could only image to be a door that I had a bunch of stuff around and on top of me.I could tell that it would be hard to move them in the state that I'm in.As I looked around the pain was getting worse.
"I'm gonna die here aren't I"I cried.
The pain was getting worse and I could barely move without yelping in pain.As I layed there I thought.
What about Wilbur,dream,techno,Phil,George,tubbo....
They saw it
You have to fight for them.
As much as I didn't want to move I tried,it felt unbearable at first but I then sat my body up slowly and slouched on the wall.I looked down at the ground that was mostly black cause there was barely any light but I saw a pool of a darker colour blood.
I felt my body shake and tears start to make there way to my eyes.I quickly shook them away as I knew I had to focus on getting help.I start to shove stuff out of the way and I see my cupboard door.It took my a while to realise that it was my cupboard door but as soon as I realised I felt some sort of happiness wave over me,I was hopeful..

Nobody's POV:
As the crew got into a rental car they all felt silent.They knew that Wilbur wanted to get the police to go to Tommy's house but the stupid police wouldn't listen to him since he was "had a suspicious voice" and it sounded like a "prank".Everyone was pissed about that and upset but they couldn't do anything about that.As phill drives he sighed.He saw Tommy as his "son" and it hurt him deeply to see him be beaten.It hurt him even more to know that he couldn't do anything.But at least they were going to save Tommy and put his father in jail we're he deserved to rot.As they derived along the rode Wilbur called dream,

Wilbur is "this one."
Dream is "this one."

"Hey dream"

"Hello Wilbur"

"I've got the rooms ready just message or call me when you are close to my house"

"Ok well we're about hour and a half away from your house so I'll message you soon"

"Ok well have a safe travel and see you soon"

"Yep,bye wil"

"Bye dream"

As the car fell silent agian.The only thing you could hear was the wind and cars passing by.

Tommy's POV:
I started to push stuff around.It hurt a lot so I only moved a box like 1 inch but it was a start.After around 20 minutes and constant breaks I finally had a path way to the door.I really wanted to get up or more of less drag myself and open door but I was petrified,I was scared of my dad hearing me and comming up stairs to hurt me but I knew if I didn't get up I would most likely die.My stomache wound was getting worse and all the other injuries on me were getting bigger and worser.I looked around and saw a few boxes that I could grab onto so I could stand up.I grab onto and took a deep breath before hoisting myself up.This sudden burst of adrenaline burst throw me and I stood right up.I clutch onto my stomach and I could feel a burning sensation but apart from that I couldn't feel anything for a minute or two.I still had my hand on the boxes cause that was mostly keeping me up so I took my hand of my stomache and ripped open my closet door.......

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