Tommy,Dog and Snuggles:

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A little epilogue  :)


Here we go again.

Wilbur couldn't catch up with dog, trying very hard,

But falling flat on his face.

"PFFFAAHAHAHAHA"Tommy burst out laughing.

Tommy had recently been going to therapy.Something his doctors suggested to help Tommy deal with his trauma.

And his therapist had told Tommy he needed something, a little companion.

And that's when Tommy got dog,

Yes I know a very original name but Tommy argued that it would be the best for his 'dog'.

"Tommy please, dog really?" Phill argued putting a hand on his forehead.

"Yes dog really, it's a great name.IT SAYS WHAT HE IS!" Tommy proudly spoke, patting dogs fur.

"Honestly I think dog is a great name Toms"Tubbo agreed leaning over patting dogs fur.

And now, dog was on the loose, running around the house.

Dog needed a bath.

But dog didn't like baths.

"TOMMY PLEASE HELP ME!"Wilbur screeched, bolting after dog.

"Nah will I can't, I'm to tired"Tommy smirked.

He was enjoying this.

Wilbur however wasn't.

Finally dog was clean, all nice and dry, asleep on Tommy's lap.

Everyone was asleep.

After the court case, Tommy, Wilbur, Phill, Techno, Dream, George and Tubbo all agreed to move in together.

1.cause they all wanted to be with Tommy and 2.Because they were the bricks that held each other together.

All cuddled up in the couch, The only two awake being Tommy and Wilbur.

"Hey toms"Wilbur scratched Tommy's hair, Tommy snapping out of his trance.

"Oh, hi will"Tommy smiled, his face lighting up by the tv in the dark room.

"Tommy can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead"

"Tommy, how are you?"

Tommy froze.

How was he?

Tommy thought, and he smiled.

Finally tommy could say it loud and proud.

And this time it would be true.

"I'm ok Wilbur, I'm ok" Tommy smiled.

Snuggling close to Wilbur Tommy sighed.

He never cared,

But he knew people who did..



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