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I finally got off work and was heading home when I got stopped in the lobby by Taehyun. He had a bright smile on his face and was jogging to catch up.

"Hi, you are new right?" I nodded and gave him a small toothless smile.

"Don't think this is cheesy please but I really think you are super pretty." My cheeks turned red while I blushed and looked down. In a matter of seconds, he got slapped on the head by Beomgyu.

"Dude stop being so straightforward all the time. Not all girls like that and you made her shy stupid." Taehyun turned around quickly acting as if he was gonna hit him. I giggled at the friendship.

"Thank you and yes not all girls like the straightforward guys but that's just because we are not used to it. So it's a good trait and saves a lot of people precious time." I secured my bag on my shoulder and made my way outside to go home.

Weeks have passed and Taehyun was as strong as ever trying to pursue me. My own insecurities didn't allow me to let him in the way he wanted to be let into my life. The more I watched them all undress or had to fix clothing on their bodies the more my insecurities clouded my vision. I started wearing baggier shirts and eating less. I started exercise obsessively. I thought no one could see it but someone did.

Taehyun POV

I noticed (y/n) would get winded easily and looked weaker than normal. She was such a vibrant person when we met. Her clothes were extremely too big and her skin was dull. She must be going through so much. I preferred to work with her than the other stylist once she became a full-time member of our staff. She made me feel calm and I loved talking to her.

We were getting ready to leave and have dinner which (y/n) used to come with us but she hadn't for like 2 weeks. It really worried me. I skipped out on dinner as well and followed (y/n) home. I was investigating my curiosity. We stopped in front of a 24-hour gym that was deserted. Not a person in sight. I entered and followed (y/n) to the locker room.

When I walked in I wanted to cry. Her back was facing me and she was shirtless. All I could see were her bones. She looked like a skeleton. Her skin even looked dull. I walked over to her and pulled her wrist spinning her into my hug. She gasped in fear but when she came to her senses realizing it me she calmed down.

"Taehyun I am naked and you are in the girl's locker room. What are you doing?" She scolded me but I didn't care I held her tighter. I pulled away and examined her body in her underwear. This really crushed me in a way I couldn't explain. I dropped to my knees and ran the pads of my fingers over her very prominent ribcage.

"Why?" I whispered "WHY DID YOU DO THIS" I yelled causing her to flinch. I looked up and put my hands on her hips kissing her stomach.

"Taehyun-" I cut her off quickly.

"I have been very straightforward with you since the beginning. I liked you I didn't care about your body. I didn't care about your looks. Your personality your smile your beautiful eyes are what made me fall for you. I can tell all that is still in you. But please let me love you because right now your love for yourself isn't enough and I need you back."

(Y/n) POV

Taehyun always knew what to say in every situation no matter what it was. This situation was no different. He could see right through me as if I was made of glass. At that moment the glass broke and all I could do was cry. I let my insecurities overtake me and that's why I am where I am at right now.

I fell to my knees and Taehyun pulled my shirt over my body. He held me tight and let me cry. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear and assured me everything would be okay.

I got dressed and we walked together to eat. My stomach had not growled in hunger for a while no and today sitting in front of Taehyun while he ordered for me made me actually hungry.

"Are you gonna tell me what triggered this?" He took a sip of water since we were waiting for the food.

"You all have amazing bodies. The flat stomachs that every girl like me wishes to have. I got insecure and let it take over me." I looked embarrassed at my words, but it was the truth.

"But that doesn't matter. Beauty doesn't matter all the time. And honestly, you are stupid because you have a beautiful face, healthy full head of hair, and amazing body proportions." I was caught off guard by him calling me stupid but let my guard completely down when he described what he saw.

"I know that now" I whispered looking down at my hands. He gently pulled my chin up so I could look him in the eye. He was leaning over the table a little to get super close to my face.

"You are mine now and if you do this again I will never forgive you. This hurt me so much (y/n)." I nodded and looked down to see how close his lips were to mine.

"I promise not to do it again" I pecked his lips and turned away blushing. He smirked and chuckled.


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