3 feet

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The tension that surrounded you every time he was more than 3 feet away from you was so dense it caused your chest to tighten and made it hard for you to breathe properly.

He looked you up and down from less than 3 feet away from you. You stood super close to your best friend but this pulling sensation caused you to step away and make the 3 feet gap more like 2 feet.

Yeonjun moved and caused the gap to close completely as your body was pushed flush against Taehyun's chest. His arm wrapped around your waist in an attempt to catch you from your small stumble.

The tension wrapped itself around your throat causing all air to disappear from your lungs as Taehyuns hand slides down to your lower back.

"You okay?" He leans down and whispers in your ear. His hot breath on your skin tickled and caused you to blush profusely.

You look up at him staring down at you with those beautiful big brown eyes of his. His lips slightly parted, glasses resting lazily on the bridge of his nose, hair natural with no product, and his dimples threatening to appear. His free hand was tucked in his pocket while the other slowly moved on your back.

"Yeah" you swallow nervously. You begin to pull away when he turns around pulling you closer.

"Sorry Taehyun didn't see you there." His eyes stared into yours before he turned back and smiled reassuring the person he wasn't hurt and it wasn't a big deal.

"I need air." You walk through the crowd and into the bathroom. You were about to close the door when a hand stops it from closing and Taehyun slides in.

"Are you sure you are okay? You are very red." You turn away from him and go to the sink turning on the faucet and washing your hands the cool water, then taking your damp cold hands and placing them on your face.

"I'm okay I promise" you knew that was a completely lie but how are you supposed to tell him that his presence makes your body shut down since you have very real and strong feelings for him.

He slowly turns you to face him, his eyes scanning every feature in you. He slowly reaches for your waist and pulls you up on top of the sink making you more eyes level with him. He pushes your hair behind your ear then smiles.

"If you say you're okay then I'll believe you but if you are not I can take you home. Or just sit in here with you." You closed your eyes trying to ground yourself and mentally reminding yourself to breathe.

"What if I said that you are the reason I'm not okay?" Taehyun nods and changes his weight from one leg to another.

"Okay what do you mean by that?" You stared at his lips for a very awkwardly silent moment that was longer than you thought. Looking away he gently guides your face to look at him again running his thumb over your pink cheek.

"If I am just 3 feet from you my chest feels heavy. I'm in this deep, thick fog that makes it hard for me to breathe. My legs go weak, my hands sweat and I feel this tingling sensation. I don't know what this is but my heart races and my cheeks get warm. I'm not okay because you are too close to me." You finally look up at him. He was staring at you adoringly trying to stifle a smile.

"So you have feelings for me?" You drop your chin to your chest and bring your hands up to cover your face.

"I'm sorry I have feelings for you. I'm probably the person you never in your life wanted to catch feelings for you." His bigs hands slowly wrapped around your small wrists pulling them away from your face. His right hand gently guided you face up to look at him by your chin.

"Never ever say that again!" His thumb slowly slid across your bottom lip as he kept eye contact with you the entire time.

His hand gently slid up the side of your face rubbing the red tint on your cheek. Sliding back a bit more so his hand was right behind your ear and his thumb on your cheekbone. He slowly guided your head up and leaned in until his lips touched yours.

The kiss was soft, cautious and gentle. Without asking for it you granted him entry. His tongue revived yours as his lips sucked the air out of your lungs. The kiss was both fatal and reviving. The passion burned between the two of you as he pushes into you kissing you deeper and a little harder.

A knock on the door interrupted the melting tension that was now barely as thin as the air.

"Someone's in here" Taehyun cleared his throat and helped you off the sink. Your hand was on the door knob to open the door when he stops you and guides your head to look up as he plants a lingering peck on your lips.

The rest of the night his hand never left your waist and you shared many more kisses.

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