Long awaited

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I sat next to my crush watching my best friend and his best friend sucking each other faces. It wasn't uncommon for them to do this during movie night while Taehyun and I are forced to watch the movie and act like it doesn't bother us.

"Fuck it I am getting booze" I got up and walked to the kitchen. Taehyun followed closely behind wanting some as well. I downed 4 whiskey sours in 2 minutes making me feel slightly tipsy.

"Let play a game heads you chug the last 3 cups tails I chug the last 3 cups" I nodded ready for whatever outcome.

"Heads" Taehyun smirked. I shrugged and chugged the last 3 cups feeling the affect quickly.

"Taehyun you are so handsome" I giggled. He chuckled as the couple took a break and met us in the kitchen.

"Cherry I hope you and Yeonjun last a long time but if that's the case I can't be your friend anymore." Cherry looked at me concerned.

"Why do you say that babe?" She asked trying to stay calm.

"Because Yeonjun is always with Taehyun and I am falling hard and fast for Taehyun" Cherry cleared her throat stifling a laugh.

"(Y/n) elaborate please" I felt the alcohol really hit me and I started getting emotional about the topic.

"Cherry you know very well I am not as pretty as you and my personality isn't as bubbly as yours so no man would look at me let alone THE Kang Taehyun High school and college hottie. Popular with the girls envied by all the guys. Smooth with his words. I am a speck of dirt on his shoes that goes unnoticed..." I started to tear up realizing the reality of my words just now.

Taehyun's POV

Those words hurt. They hurt more than when I got punched for defending her behind the school building in high school our freshman year.

All she said about me was true. Except I haven't been with anyone since I met her. I laid my eyes on her the first day Yeonjun introduced me to Cherry and I knew I needed her end of story.

Cherry looked at me basically falling apart from everything (y/n) said. I chuckled bitterly before removing myself from the kitchen.

"When will you tell her?" I heard Cherry behind me as I took a deep breath trying to control the tears.

"When she sobers up. It's been long awaited... I should have done this years ago..." I said barely above a whisper.

"I don't know why you didn't. You have been in love with her for so long and she has been in love with you... I know you both need time alone to talk but she is in no place right now to have a serious conversation so maybe you can talk to her tomorrow" I nodded and turned to look at her.

"I will sleep on the couch then" Cherry nodded and headed back to the kitchen where I hear her tell (y/n) to go to bed. (Y/n) protested trying to drink more making it my cue to go and help.

"Look (y/n) you are drunk let's get you to bed so you can sober up and rest" Cherry had a lot of patience for people which is probably why she is with Yeonjun and best friends with (y/n).

I shook my head at the situation and threw her over my shoulder. Taking her to her bed room. She protested and wiggled for a few steps but surrendered when she saw she wasn't going to win. I laid her down while she fought with me even more. Cherry helped her get changed and when she left the room (y/n) was already passed out in her bed fast asleep.

"Thank you for the help" Cherry patted by back handing me blanket and pillow for the couch. Yeonjun walked into Cherrys room bidding me a goodnight.

I couldn't sleep and I couldn't get comfortable. (Y/n) was on my mind and how Lowly she thought of herself. I heard a ruffling in her room and ran to see what it was.

"Everything okay?" I asked looking at her curled up in a ball under the blanket making me chuckle.

"Yes just got startled" she breathed out shakily.

"What scared you?" I asked walking in the room and closing the door behind me.

"I am 100% certain it was just my dream" she giggled embarrassed removing the blanket from over her head.

"Do you want me to stay with you and keep you safe?" I didn't give her an options laid next to her pulling her into my body that she perfectly fit into.

"Taehyun... why are you doing this?" She asked after a few minutes of silence.

"What do you mean?" I asked fully aware of what she meant.

"Taehyun..." she sighed.

"Look you were drunk but I knew your feelings for me for a really long time now. The thing you don't know is that I have loved you since freshman year of high school. It was love at first sight I swear. I kept it a secret for so long because I have been trying to work on making myself a better man for you... but I can't keep unintentionally hurting you. Especially after the pain I saw in your eyes that made me stop breathing." I cupped her face in my free hand that wasn't wrapped around her and caressed her cheeks with my thumb.


"Shhhh baby... let me take care of you please..." I leaned in closer and closer between each words until I whispered the last word on her lips. She nodded making me smiled then pull her in closer if possible to connect my lips with her in a soft passionate kiss.

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