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"Ms. (Y/n) the contract you are signing will end in 2 years do you consent to all of it?" I looked at the Cold man in front of me and the writing on the paper before taking the pen and signing my name.

That was 6 months ago now. My now-husband is still as cold as ever with no chance of defrosting his frigid interior. I didn't even try at this point.

I was standing behind his assistant watching him be cute and funny with his members. It made me so irate to see him like that while I had to be miserable. His assistant walked away leaving me in my spot. I looked like a lost helpless puppy that was homeless looking for a place to fit in. I looked around in a panic when a backstage worker tapped my shoulder. I made eye contact with Taehyun on stage before turning to the stage worker.

"Hey miss you can't be back here." I had no time to respond. I was thrown to the streets behind the concert hall. I took a deep breath to try and not cry but it was useless. I started bawling. I walked away and sat on a bench in front of this pretty store. I saw a man and a woman laughing holding hands being the couple I dreamed to be. I envied them with a Fiery passion.

'Why can't I have that as well?' I thought to myself.

Everything on the street started to shut down. I had no place to go and I knew Taehyun would not come looking for me. He hated me!

I started getting cold the later it got. So I curled myself up on the bench and started crying singing the song my mom used to sing to men when I was sad.

'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray.'

My vision started to blur and not from the tears. It was so cold my body was shutting down. All I could hear was my mom's voice singing and a deep voice yelling my name before I blackout.

Time skip.

I woke up in my room. Connected to hospital machines. No one knew I was married to Taehyun so he probably thought it was better to have someone come to the house. I saw flowers on my nightstand and a bunch of sticky notes in my mirror. There was crumpled-up paper all over the floor. It looked like Taehyun studio on a daily basis. I stood up and picked up one of the papers.

Dear (y/n),

I have been nothing but horrible to you for the past 6 months. *scribble*

I picked up another one.

Dear (y/n),

It pains me to see you like this and it is all my fault. You look like an angel sleeping. It has been around 2 months since you fell asleep and haven't woken up. I miss the sound of your laugh. I miss waking up to see you in an oversized T-shirt rummaging through my fridge like a raccoon. I miss coming home to a messy kitchen because you were stressed and decided to bake a million things I then had to secretly eat so it wouldn't go bad. I didn't mind because they were good. I never got to tell you how I actually feel about you. We made a deal with the doctor. If you don't wake up soon I will have to let you go. If I let you go a part of me goes with you as well. A part I never knew existed.

'Why would he throw this away I picked up all the others and this one was the only one long enough to have some sentimental value. I was going to walk out when the door opened.

"(Y/n)?" he looked awful. His eyes were swollen and had bags under them. He visibly lost a ton of weight and his hair looked like he hadn't brushed it in months.

"Taehyun" I whispered. He ran to me and hugged me tightly. That was the first hug I had felt in so long and it felt sooooo good I could cry.

"Please come sit down. I will call the doctor" he picked me up and laid me back on the bed.

"Taehyun... what happened and why does it seem like I was out for more than a couple of days?" He took a deep breath and took my hand in his.

"You got thrown out of the concert hall 2 months ago. It was my fault for not telling people you were with me. It got cold and I got to you late. I looked for you for 30 minutes panicking when I found you on the bench almost blue. The ambulance was taking too long so I ran to the nearest hospital with you in my arms." A tear slid down his face and his voice was unsteady.

"I am sorry! I am so sorry!!" He bent down putting his forehead on the back of my hand still connected to his.

"I thought you hated me?"

"I never hated you. I never disliked you either. I felt warm and happy around you, but I was scared to fall. My dumb ass didn't realize I had already fallen for you." The doctor walked in and did a check-up.

"She seems fine but I want her to rest a few more days and start her daily activities at a much slower pace." Taehyun thanked the doctor then turned to me.

"Are you hungry or thirsty?" I nodded and my eyes widened. He chuckled. That was the first time I heard that and it was truly music to my ears.

"Omg yes! But you don't know how to cook" he cleared his throat which made Yeonjun walk into the room.

"Nope he can't but the rest of us can." I smiled and watched how Taehyun admired me with this fond look in his eyes while I told them what I wanted to eat.

Time skip

I was watching a movie while Taehyun sat in the chair next to my bed. I felt him look at me every so often then smile down at his lap.


"Yes baby" he responded worriedly.

"Can you Um... can you lay with me?" He didn't even hesitate and got in bed with me. I laid my head on his chest. His heart was beating so fast making me smile.


"I guess your heart isn't completely frozen after all!" I giggled looking up at him. His eyes held so much love.

"Please never scare me like that again" he whispered rubbing his nose on mine.

"I will try not to," I whispered back. He leaned in and placed his lips on mine. A sweet passionate kiss mixed with a wordless confession. He pulled away and took the original contract we had from his pocket.

"May I?" He asked. I just nodded and watched him tear it up into pieces. 

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