Senior Year of High School

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(Y/n) POV

"(Y/n) hold still we are almost done"

"Ouch don't pluck so hard."

"Stop being a whiny bitch"

"This isn't going to work I know it won't"

"Shut your face you don't know anything"

"Okay, Choi Beomgyu just because he is your best friend/ soulmate doesn't mean you have to be A RUDE ASSHOLE!!"

"Speak kindly please" I rolled my eyes at Soobin. I was going under an extreme makeover just because I have been trying to get Taehyun to notice me and he still hasn't. Senior Year of high school was almost done and I have been crushing on him since freshman year. I knew he wouldn't feel the same way I felt, but the boys wanted to try anyway. They tried to reassure me he felt the same way.

I have been sitting in this chair for what feels like 2 hours after Volleyball practice. My hair was tamed and done, My eyebrows were fixed, My make-up was done, and I was dressed in an outfit that Yeonjun had told me to wear. Dress and heels were not me but I didn't look like myself at all at that moment. We were all sitting in an abandoned classroom waiting for Taehyun to leave Futbol practice and meet us here like every other day.

Kai walked in sweaty from practice, giving us a bit of notice that Taehyun was coming. We all got situated and I was trying to act naturally on the couch with my legs crossed reading a manga trying to act natural. He walked in and greeted everyone stopping at me.

"Who is this?" He asked, making my heart drop and my smile drop as well. My eyes water a little but I blinked to make it go away.

"I told you this wouldn't work." I pushed Taehyun out of the way to reach my things.

"Um... who do you think it is?" Beomgyu asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I don't know... wait is that (Y/N)?" In that one moment that one sentence made me fully give up on him ever liking me. He was the Fashion king and I was the jeans and T-shirt type girl. We would never mix.

I got up and took off my heels. Soobin approached me but I put my hand up to stop him. No one said a word. I took off the dress, placing an oversized shirt over my volleyball spandex. I took a makeup wipe and took all my makeup off letting my hair back down. The tension was high as I took my things, slipped on my shoes, and left. Tears were threatening but I was going to be strong.

"Yeah, it's me and I officially give up." I made eye contact with Taehyun and shook my head before leaving the room.

Taehyun's POV

"You are the stupidest man alive," Beomgyu says, flicking my forehead.

"OUCH! Why? What did I do?" I asked, genuinely confused, rubbing my forehead to soothe the sting.

"That was (y/n) dumbass! She did all that for you and now her hopes are crushed. She has like the biggest crush on you" My face dropped in an instant when those words left Yeonjuns mouth.

"I fucked up!!" I sigh and throw myself on the couch.

"Yes you did and who knows what she is doing now. She is probably crying" Soobin says calmly, making us look at him weirdly. I shook my head and turned my attention to everyone else.

"Guys I also have a crush on her but I was scared since we are all close. I didn't wanna lose her but I feel like I made it worse. What am I supposed to do now?" I bury my face in my hands frustrated.

"Go after her and tell her the truth" Soobin was always right most of the time. We refused to admit it but it was the truth. I always claimed to be the smartest one but in reality, we all think he is... he just refuses to work for it as I do.

I ran to (y/n)'s house hoping to repair the damage I had caused. I stopped in front of her house and knocked frantically on the door.

(Y/n) POV

"(Y/n) please let me in!" I heard banging at my door. I was hesitant but I watched as my mom opened the door. Taehyun ran past her and embraced me in a tight hug lifting me off the ground a little.

"Taehyun..." I say firmly, a little frightened by his actions.

"I love love... love you. I love you so much my heart beats faster every time I see you, my body goes numb when you touch me, and I can never play my best in a match if you are not there. Whatever the boys made you do not too long ago never do it again. I like the natural you. The you, I see all the time. The crazy frizzy curly hair, the bare face, and huge thick glasses, the tape on your fingers after a game, the huge bandaids on your knees from diving and getting court burn. The quirky you that does nerdy and weird stuff with me like anime-con. I am sorry I made you feel the way I did but I love you." I held him closer, feeling the love he was trying to portray.

"Well hello to you too Taehyun... I will give you both a minute" My mom chuckles. Taehyun turned around and gave her a small bow, embarrassed she saw everything.

"I am glad you found out. Only took you 4 year but it could have been worse." I chuckled but he did not find it funny.

"That's not funny (Y/N)" He pouted, making me giggle.

"I know I am sorry, will a kiss make it better?" He smirked, making my eyes widen and my heart jumps at his duality.

"Yes it will but only if you wear my jersey tomorrow for the entire day" his hands rested on the small of my back and pulled into his body while I laughed throwing my head back.



The next day Taehyun came to pick me up with Kai and Beomgyu like they do every day. I heard my door open and the 3 of them lay in my bed watching me finish getting ready.

"Here you go princess" Taehyun handed me his practice Jersey with a lingering peck on the lips. I pulled away from him and pulled the shirt over my head and tied a knot on the side since it was too big.

"How do I look?" I turn to the boys patting down my jeans.

"You look good Noona" Kai gave me a thumbs up and Beomgyu agreed.

"You look... beautiful" Taehyun smiled and extended his hand for me to take.

"What are we waiting for? We will be late for school." Yeonjun and Soobin walk into my room and stop at the sight of me and Taehyun.

"Let's go love birds we don't have time for this" Yeonjun pushes all of us out to the cars. 

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