More than friends, But not dating

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"Hey (y/n) would you like to come to eat with me and some of my school friends?" Taehyun looked over at (y/n) with hope-filled in his eyes.

Taehyun and (y/n) were not dating but everyone thought they were. There was this unspoken spark between them that they liked to ignore but also use to their advantage.

"Um... sure I guess... Do you want me to go?" (Y/n) looked away from her phone over to Taehyun that was looking at her.

"Yes I really want you to go! We are also going clubbing after so pick a good outfit!" (Y/n) laughed shaking her head.

"What are you gonna be my wingman and set me up with one of your friends?" Taehyuns whole face dropped at the realization that (y/n) could be taken at any moment from him.

"Um... yeah sure!" He chuckled nervously but (y/n) knew him better than that.

"Taehyun... I could also be your date for this" she sighs with a fond smile on her face.

"I like that option better!" Taehyun quickly replies. He walked into (y/n)'s closet and took out a black mini dress that was flown at the bottom but tight at the top.

"What are you doing?" (Y/n) asks a bit concerned.

"Wear this with your black vans"


"Hey, guys this is (y/n)!" Taehyun told the group sitting at the table already. They all moved over so Taehyun and (y/n) had enough space to sit next to each other.

"Hi, beautiful" one of Taehyuns friends greeted with a flirty tone. Taehyun slightly squeezed (y/n) thigh.

"We already ordered for everyone but it's nice to see you again (y/n)." Jake smiles and punches Doyeomhyun.

After eating they all sat around waiting for their reservation time at the club. Taehyuns hand never left the inside of (y/n)'s thigh. He would constantly look over at her to make sure she was okay.

"I'll be right back" (y/n) said and stood up to go to the bathroom.

"Are you and (y/n) finally dating?" Jake asked Taehyun.

"Um... not really... I don't know..." Taehyun replied.

"What are you two waiting for at this point?" Jay asked annoyed.

"Well Um... I don't know it's obvious we are more than friends but we are not dating so I really don't know."

"Well maybe you will finally buckle down... especially since Doyeomhyun is literally trying to hit on her over there"

Taehyun walked over to (y/n) and put his arm around her.

"Are you ready to go to the club babe?" Taehyun asked (y/n).

"Yep let's go!" (Y/n) chuckled nervously. Slipping her fingers between Taehyuns that was hanging off her shoulder.

They got to the club and sat in the VIP circle booth ordering drinks and talking.

"I Love this song!" (Y/n) whispered under her breath but Taehyun heard her.

"Let's go dance" Taehyun suggested standing up and extending his hand to her.

"Really?!" She asked taking his hand and smiling. He helped her out of the booth and walked behind her to the dance floor. His hands adorned her lower waist as he pulled her closer when they got to the dance floor.

(Y/n) started moving her hips to the beat and Taehyun matched his hips with hers. He buried his head in her neck and smirked.

After dancing to 3 songs (y/n) had to use the bathroom.

"I'll stand outside you know how I feel about these places!" Taehyun followed her to the back where the bathrooms were.

"There is a line so I'll wait out here for a minute." (Y/n) leaned against the wall looking up at Taehyun.

Taehyun had this sudden urge to kiss her so he placed his hand above (Y/N) on the wall and started leaning in. His eyes were steadily on her lips already trying to taste them. When he was only millimeters away from (Y/N)'s lips a girl walked out letting (y/n) know there was an open stall. Taehyun pulled away and (Y/N) rushed into the bathroom with maroon cheeks. Taehyun leaned against the wall with his arms crossed huffing a little from the rude interruption.

"So you two are not dating... then why were you gonna kiss her?" Jake appeared crossing his arms with a mischievous smirk spread across his face.

"Not the time!" Taehyun groans annoyed.

"Dude! For real what is there to lose?" Jake asked sincerely dropping the smirk.

"I don't want to lose her period and if that means I have to be her friend forever then so be it!" Jake shook his head irritated at how stubborn he was and walked into the bathroom across from the girls. 

(Y/n) walked out and was gonna walk past Taehyun when he grabbed her wrist and turned them around so he has her leaning against the wall. (Y/n) had one hand pinned to the wall above her as Taehyun stared into her eyes. He wasted no time and kissed her gently dropping her hand on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around her waist. It was deep and passionate from the very beginning. Everything that was unspoken finally hit the light and was addressed in a simple yet meaningful kiss. 

"Taehyun..." (y/n) whispered in the kiss. Taehyun panicked for a second watching everything around him crumble.

"I'm so-" (y/n) pulled him back to kiss him again.

"Take me home" (y/n) whispers in the kiss biting his bottom lip and teasingly tugging on it between her teeth, 

"Yes ma'am" he pecked her lips and took her hand in his leading her to the table.

"I have to go but here this should cover our drinks and a few rounds for you guys." He threw some bills on the table and turned to (y/n) kissing her again. Everyone mumbled a few variations of finally as Taehyun and (Y/N) left.

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