Broken Heart Syndrome

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"I can't see you anymore" We stood in the rain getting soaked by the huge drops pouring from the crying sky.

"What do you mean you can't see me anymore?" I ask (y/n) confused. I could see the sadness in her eyes with a slight flicker of fear.

"I can't really tell you that but... I am leaving tonight. I Um... I am s-sorry and I l-love you" she sobbed running away. I wanted to run after her but I heard mom calling me from the doorway.

"Taehyun honey I need you, please" I walked to the house in a numb state. Not from the cold rain but from everything going on in my head. Why did she have to leave? I felt nauseous and my heart ached. When I reached the house I fell to my knees grabbing my chest not being able to breathe. Everyone freaked out and took me to the ER.

2 years later

I still had not gotten over (y/n). I had started treatment for broken heart syndrome since my heart had gotten weaker since that day. I never knew why she left and didn't see her again.

The first few months after she left I would wake up screaming from nightmares and wound up not sleeping for a few weeks scared to close my eyes. My brother would sleep with me most night but I felt like the whole family was keeping something from me.

"Hey can I talk with you?" I walked into the house and saw my dad and brother sitting in the couch.

"Yeah come sit" Insta between them and leaned back getting comfortable.

"I feel like someone is hiding something and I want to know what and why right now" they shared worried looks but then my dad gave in.

"Your mom told (y/n) to leave you 2 years ago. She had come up to the house and told us she was pregnant. Your mom flipped out when she said she was going to keep it. She threatened (y/n) and forced her to leave you. Your brother had stayed in semi-contact with them." We heard the door open and my mom appear with glossy eyes.

"I thought it was for your own good but I did more harm. Your heart is weak and it's my fault" I couldn't look at her I stood up and told my brother to message me her info. I took one look at my mom and walked out of the house.

I didn't know what I was doing but I knew that I needed to see her. I got on the bus and made my way to her job. I got there and they told me where to find her since she had to take a personal day.

It was a small run-down building by the ocean. I knocked on the door that was ready to fall off the hinges at any moment.

"Come in" she said from behind the door. I opened the door and ducked down so I wouldn't hit my head entering. She looked tired and pale  she was wiping up a mess on the table.

"(Y/n)" she stopped and turned to look at me. The bags under her eyes and the dull shade in her eyes.

"T- Taehyun," she said grabbing onto the table for support as she coughed a little.

"(Y/n)!" I reached her and helped her lay down on the torn up couch. "You are burning up you need to rest" I check her forehead with the back of my hand.

"No I am okay. I need to finish cleaning before (y/s/n) comes home from his play date. Then I need to get ready for going back to work tomorrow" I looked around at the bare minimum they had to survive. My soul was taken from my body at the thought of what they had to go through for the last 2 years.

"Lay down please. I will help you just please take care of yourself first right now" she shook her head and tried getting up but fell back on the couch.

"Thank you but I have done this for the past 2 years alone. I can manage. You should Um... get going now. Your mother wouldn't want you here" she tried to talk between coughing fits. I fell to the ground and cried harder than I have ever cried.

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