Safe place & comfort

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"Move I want to take a nap" she rudely nudged me laying on the couch.

"No I want to lay here and watch videos" I snapped back with the same energy.

"Come on! Please?" She whined pathetically but when I finally looked up the bags under her eyes were showing through her make up.

"Come here just lay here next to me" I pulled her down to the couch with me. She wiggled around trying to get comfortable. Once her head hit my chest and her arm wrapped around my waist, she was sound asleep.

"TAEHYUUUUUUUN!!!!" Beomgyu walked in yelling for me as loud as possible.

"Shhhh" I pointed to (y/n) that didn't even flinch at the noise around her.

"I thought you two were just friends?" Yeonjun walks in followed by Soobin and Kamal.

"We are! You and Soobin cuddle. There is no difference" I rolled my eyes and played my video again.

"There is a difference. You have feelings for her and Soobin is just my brother." He whispered to Kamal. I decided to ignore the comment and keep watching my Video.

(Y/n)'s manager walks in and sighs in relief at the sight of (y/n) sleeping.

"How did you do that. I have tried everything but she has not been able to sleep for 2 weeks now." I put my phone down and look at her hoping she was gonna correct herself and didn't say 2 week.

"2 weeks?" I ask when she didn't correct herself.

"Yeah... Sadly she can only get like 1-2 hours and in the day time because of these awful nightmares she has been getting. She wakes ups screaming and in tears." I looked down at (y/n) that has now been asleep for 2 hours next to me."

"She's been asleep right next to me for about 2 hours already." I stated.

"Well good don't walk her up unless you have to. Do you need help sliding out?" I shook my head quickly.

"If this is her first time peacefully sleeping we will not move her at all. Don't worry about me I could use a nap as well" I yawned and asked Soobin for the blanket next to him. I pulled it over the both of us and tried to get some sleep but I couldn't. All I kept thinking of was (y/n) and how she hasn't slept peacefully for 2 weeks.

"Taehyun" Yeonjun whispers turning the light on.

"Hm?" I hummed rubbing my eyes and looking at the time on my phone.

"You have been napping for 2 hours. (Y/n) has now been asleep for 4 hours. Can we try to move her to the car and take her home without waking her up?" I looked down at how cute she looked curled up next to me with her head on my chest.

"I can try" I slide out successfully and stretch for a few minutes. I picked her up and carried her to the car perfectly fine. Once I shut the door and they drive 5 feet the car stopped and I got scared. I saw her manager jump out of the passengers side and open the back door on (y/n)'s side.

"Taehyun!" The Manager screams. I run over to her and see (y/n) still fully asleep screaming and crying. I was told never to wake someone up when they are having a nightmare because they can hurt you but I couldn't watch her like this.

"(Y/n) baby wake up please" I shook her awake. Her eyes opened and she started crying harder holding on to me.

"I am sorry" she whispered in the hug.

"No baby don't be sorry. Let's take you home and I'll stay with you!" She nodded and sat back in the seat. I waved the boys off and texted the group chat my plans.

Once we got to (y/n)'s place I drew a bath for her. She wouldn't speak the entire time from how exhausted she is. I would see her nod off but then she would fight to stay up. She got out of the bath and was now laying next to me in her bed watching a movie.

"I have been having a lot of anxiety which is why I have a lot of nightmares. I have been having sleep paralysis as well" I looked over at her tearing up.

"Why haven't you told anyone? We could help you!" I whispered kissing her forehead.

"I thought I could handle it on my own but I can't..." I pulled her over to me like we were in the couch earlier in the day.

"You slept peacefully for 4 hours next to me..." I started but couldn't find the right words to finish.

"No matter how much we argue and get in each other's nerves... you are my safe place and I find a lot of comfort in you." Her eyes started to flutter but she was fighting a losing battle.

"Baby go to sleep I'll be here for as long as you need me." She let her self close her eyes and relax.

"Taehyun... I love you more than a bestie" she whispered.

"I love you too and the same way!!" I whispered back. That night she got a full nights rest peacefully in my arms.

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