The 🧊 to my 🔥

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"(Y/n) is there a reason you won't date Taehyun?" I rolled my eyes at this question I swear I get every week from someone in the group.

"Why is it any of your business honestly?" I ask bluntly turning around to see who's asking.

"You both are single and you both like each other so why don't you just date?" Yeonjun didn't seem nosy to the rest but in reality he was the worst of them all. He always meddled in my life and Taehyun's life.

"Okay if you want to be nosy let me hit you with this question... Why don't you and Soobin date already? You both are single and both like each other." I snap back venom spewing from my words in frustration with his fixation on my love life and pushing Taehyun on me.

"Okay miss you know it's not like that. We are soulmates nothing more" he got butt hurt and crossed his arms trying to stay strong.

"Okay sir keep telling yourself that." Beomgyu and Soobin walked in laughing as they heard the conversation from outside.

"Yeonjun why do you keep trying? You always end up with your feelings hurt bro." Soobin shook his head at Yeonjuns stubbornness.

"Seriously Yeonjun I know you will run to Soobin and cry after encountering her blunt attitude." Beomgyu pats his back walking fully in the room to sit next to me. He was right because he ended up yelling for Soobin to come console his hurt feelings.

"Okay besides Yeonjun doing their for no good what is the real reasons and cut the bullshit go straight to the point." Soobin took a water bottle that was on the table and started drinking it listening carefully. I had to think hard which made them doubt even more.

"Okay fine but it's stays between us." They nod in agreement. "I don't think I am necessarily good for him in any way except being a really close friend. We are almost the same age so we clash a lot on things but I don't think we would work together. I also heard one of the styles say it would never happen being our body's and style don't match. She said my face would bring down his likes in the industry. I think she is jealous that I am naturally beautiful and my ass is real but I agree on other things with them. I am not a good match." Soobin and Beomgyu looked at each other in guilt. It turned to fear pretty quick when Taehyun slammed the door open with rage in his eyes.

"Who the fuck gave you the right to decide that by yourself tell me?" I raised my eyebrows and clenched my jaw biting my cheek so I could calm down before speaking. I was a firecracker and he knew that very well.

"Watch how you are talking to me Kang. You know very well who you are talking to and you know very well once I go off you will regret everything." He poked his cheek with his tongue putting his hands on his hips.

"I know what I am doing so answer the question" his tone had calmed down but the rage was still clearly visible.

"I have every right to feel the way I do so drop the subject." I said between clenched teeth. The heat was rising as our anger rose but we kept calm. It looked like a old western movie stand down but the tension was much worse. It was laced with sexual tension and that's why it was heavier.

"You do have the right to feel whatever you want.... but is stupid.... it's stupid because I am in love with you and don't care about any of that stuff." I clenched my jaw again but I was already losing sight of the calmness I barely can keep a hold of most days. I went to blow up when he pulled me in for a kiss.

The kiss felt like ice on a fire. Putting me out to ash then whisking me away with the wind. It felt nice like I could breathe again. I always carried anger in my tiny compact body but right now in this moment I couldn't feel it. My whole body relaxed when his hands went around my wait pulling me close. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip asking for entrance that I gladly gave. Once his tongue touched mine and explored my mouth he had me addicted. I stopped seeing red which is what I saw all the time. I saw other vibrant positive colors. I felt the attitude float out of my body and disburse in mid air. This was a bee feeling I got addicted to in a matter of second.

He pulled away looking at me lovingly. Everyone noticed a huge difference in my eyes after that one kiss. I knew that the only way I would change my ways was by me meeting the ice to my fire. Which I apparently had right in front of me the whole time.

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