Skate Park

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"Come on (y/n) you are falling behind" I yelled behind me stopping the skateboards screeching on the concrete.

"Where are we going anyways?" She reached me and stopped to look around.

"We have a lot of time to kill so we are going to a skate park until we have to leave." Kai circled around and pushed me off my board laughing.

"You will pay for that" I laughed and took (y/n)'s hand in mine subconsciously. We got to the park and Kai was riding around while the rest of the boys were sitting with their feet dangling at the edge of the concrete wall surrounding the skate park.

"So are you two together now or not?" Soobin points to our connected hands with his head. I looked at our hands and back at her to see a slight blush spread across her cheeks.

"Oh... um... sorry... I-I d-" she cut me off shaking her head.

"No it's okay... it was a um... subconscious action" she smiled a little sad but then Yeonjun came up behind her hugging her and lifting her making her laugh and taking her attention off me.

I felt this pang of pain hit my chest making me cough.  I looked over at Kai picking (y/n) up and running away from Beomgyu and Yeonjun chasing them laughing.

I was jealous and didn't know why.

"Soobin help me" I heard, shaking me out of my thoughts. (Y/n) was calling to me standing on the skateboard at the end of the ramp. I smiled and walked over to her.

"I am here! What do you need help with?" She put both her hands in mine and pushed herself to the edge where the board was half on the floor and half in the air. I followed looking down but she took one hand out of mine and pulled my head up gently by my chin.

"I just wanted your support. It's been a super long time and I am a little scared." She giggled looking into my eyes blushing. I noticed once we held hands my heart started beating super fast and hard.

"Well I am here" I said above a whisper.

"You won't let me fall right?" She asked looking up through her eyelashes.

"I won't let you fall and if you do I will take the pain and save you" I chuckled. She pushed herself off the ramp and I followed closely with my hands still in hers. When we reached the bottom she lost her balance. I wrapped my arms around her waist making me lose balance as well. The side of her head hit my chest and I braced myself holding her tight. My body hit the ground hard but I felt no pain.

"Oh my god! Taehyun are you okay?" She got up quickly tending to me. I hissed with my eyes closed but when I opened them and saw her over me worried I smiled. The sun hit her perfectly and she was glowing.

"Yes I am okay!" I whispered pulling her closer to me.

"Taehyun are you sure?" She raised her left eyebrow.

"Okay I lied I am not okay" her eyes showed panic while her face tried to stay calm.

"What can I do to help you?" She looked up at Soobin for help. I smirked and pulled her down connecting our lips. I moved my lips in small gentle motions against hers. Taking a deep breath in the kiss breathing her in as much as I can in the moment. I pulled away gently and slowly. She stayed still with her eyes closed still stunned at my actions. The boys made teasing noises from behind her making me snap my head back and death glare them. She smiled reality finally hitting her.

"I feel better now" I smiled and she pushed me back playfully.

"I bet you do" we all started laughing while I hugged her tightly.

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