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Every day I would get home and hear a buzzing sound in my roommate's room. She got home

Before me and always had dinner made for me with a cute note and always had the apartment clean even when she works a mentally tiring job. I always wondered what the buzzing sound was but was too shy to ask. Today my curiosity got the best of me. I cracked her door open a little and saw her naked. She had her legs spread with a small lavender-colored device pressed up against her clit. She had her free hand over her mouth while her body spasmed and reacted to the pleasure. Her head was thrown back with her eyes closed. I looked down at the bulge beginning to appear in my pants. I had only seen things like this in porn. Never thought I would see it in person even if it was unintentional. When I looked back up her back arched and her body entire body started trembling. My mind went blank and all I could see was white. I pushed the door open and startled her.

"Taehyun what are you doing? Why didn't you knock?!" I was breathing hard trying to control myself.

"This is what you have been doing all this time?" My eyes were black and I had no emotion shown on my face. She had covered herself back up with the blanket as I walked in closer to her.

"Taehyun you don't know what's going on and you wouldn't understand so please let me get dressed-" I cut her off with a deep growl.

"Bullshit I know you are getting yourself off with a toy... I know I could make you feel twice as much pleasure" I smirked and her eyes widened.

"Tae-Taehyun c-calm down" her lips trembled as the words left her mouth.

"I won't touch you without your permission... but the offer still stands" I closed the door and walked to my room across the apartment.

'Fuck' I mumbled looking down at my painful erection.

Weeks later I came home and saw (y/n) sitting on the couch looking around fiddling with things.

"Hey," I say putting my keys on the table and taking my shoes off.

"Hey" she whispers back. I take in her body language and mentally chuckle when the image of the other night flooded my mind.

"Everything okay?" I walk to the kitchen to see my plate full of food as always.

"Um... yeah just..." she ran her hands through her hair grabbing a handful on the top of her head.

"I can't read minds so if you need to say something just say it" I took my shirt off and sat at the table. Through the corner of my eye, I could see her staring at my bare upper body almost drooling. I smirked and took a spoonful of rice and shoved it in my mouth. I heard a frustrated groan.

"I broke my toy 3 weeks ago and well... I am wondering if..."

"If my offer still stands?" I look up from my plate at her wiping my mouth with a napkin. She nods embarrassed looking down at her hands in her lap.

"Yes," she whispers then scratches the back of her head looking completely away.

"Well I told you the offer still stands and I won't do anything without your permission." I rose an eyebrow leaning back in the chair. I stood up and walked over to her kneeling in front of her and lifted her chin up so she could look at me.

"(Y/n)... baby... I never want you to feel uncomfortable around me and I respect you way too much to do anything you don't want or don't like. I also want you to know that you are super special to me and I would never risk doing something to jeopardize that okay" I admired her facial features while my thumb gently traced her cheekbone.

She looked up and kissed me. It was full of nerves and was a small quick kiss. I didn't move not wanting to ruin her small act of confidence. I opened my eyes and locked my gaze on her eyes. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer so I was on my knees between her legs. My hands instinctively went to her waist.

"Taehyun... please make me feel good so I can make you feel good as well!" I picked her up with no hesitation and took her to the bedroom.

Long story short... she never got a new toy 😏😉

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