You Can Sing?

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I was terrified to sing in front of people after my incident in High school. I hid my talent from everybody. I only sang in front of a few people that consisted of my parents, cousin, siblings, and my best friend. They all said I had a natural talent, but I couldn't do it. I wasn't afraid of public speaking. I had to do many events where I had to talk in front of a huge sum of people and did it perfectly fine. Singing was way different in my opinion.

After years people had forgotten about what happened and the video was buried into the deeps of the internet hopefully to never come back out. I still practice I just don't do it near anyone and mainly in the shower.

It had been a long time since I had practiced. Mainly because I moved in with my Boyfriend Kang Taehyun from TXT. Yeah, it's a long story but I don't hold my breath for him to stay with me. I mean he is royalty.

He was at work and I was on vacation for a few weeks from my job. Actually, I create my own schedule so I will probably still be working from home even on vacation since I am chief editor. I decided to reorganize the house since its been neglected. Everything was spotless but since we have been constantly on the go it hasn't had a deep clean and that is what I am doing today.

I put my playlist on the home speakers Taehyun put all through the house for "inspiration". I swear he just loves pissing me off when I am working or sleeping. As I pick my playlist I start at the kitchen, then move my way to the rooms and bathrooms and end in living room.

My favorite hype song came on and I started singing out loud and dancing around. I was not aware of my surroundings which was my first and biggest mistake. I sat on the couch belching the high notes as smooth and effortlessly as possible. I turn off the music as I was done with the cleaning and needed to calm down. I suddenly hear clapping behind me. I started counting how many I could hear as I froze in my spot and closed my eyes.

'1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9' I whispered to myself.

"I didn't know you could sing" I slowly turn around as I see the 5 boys and 2 staff members.

"How come you didn't tell us your girlfriend could sing that good" Yeonjun turns to Taehyun as he stood there shocked.

"I- Um- I didn't know she could sing." He looked down at the papers in his hand as I swore, I could see his gears turning in his head.

"How could you not know? You two have been together almost 2 years" Beomgyu was confused and maybe if I explained it would make more sense.

"I don't sing in front of people" I connect my phone to the TV and play the video I was dreading and hoping they would never find. "This is why I don't sing in front of people. I was humiliated and swore to never sing again." I look down ashamed of this video that caused me so much trauma.

"Okay well that is not fair. What your bully said was not true and you should have not listened to her. You are amazing! Better than her for sure." Soobin walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder reassuring me I was good and what happened in the video was not fair in anyway shape or form.

"well now that we know you are good at singing; we have a favor to ask you." My eyes widen as my cheeks get really red and I start to visibly shake.

"Hey, don't worry you can work with Taehyun by yourself where you are comfortable, but we can not find anyone for this part that we liked and honestly you have the singing style we were looking for." I bite my bottom lip as I look at Taehyun. He hasn't really said anything the whole time and I was a little scared.

I stared at him as his head was down looking everywhere but me.

"It doesn't look like Taehyun is happy about this decision so I think I will pass." I start to walk away when I heard his voice.

"I really want you to do it. I didn't want to talk to you about it in front of the boys because you know I hate sharing my emotions with anyone but you. We are here to work because our buildings lights went out and the generator is not working, but honestly you answered our prayer." I look back at him and sigh as he walks up to me and hugs me.

"Okay I will do it this once... Under one condition..." They all look at me scared about what I am going to say.

"If you are anything like Taehyun I think we should all be scared" Beomgyu hides behind Soobin as Taehyun gives him a death glare. I shake my head and chuckle.

"I want to be anonymous and I don't want to get paid." They all look at me confused.

"I make my own money in my own way. If you have to pay me give it to charity. My favorite charity is the Special Olympics or anything that has to do with Special Needs kids and adults." They nod their heads making a mental note about what I just said. Taehyun hands me the music sheets and walks into his pimped out home studio with everyone.

I sat on the couch contemplating my life choices that brought me to this point in my life.

3 years later


Host: So, can you tell me who this person is singing in all of these songs you all have made?

CSB: She has asked to stay anonymous and we will respect that.

KTH: The only thing we can disclose about her is that she is my girlfriend for 5 years now and we could not thank her enough for doing this for us.

Host: Her voice blends really good with Yeonjun's raps, Soobins fallsettos and Huening Kais power vocals. It even sounds good with Beomgyus deep rasp. Is that why Huening Kai and her duet the most?

KTH: Actually, yes and we have a project coming that you will hear a lot more from the 3 of us.

CBG: Yes, and the process recording with her is so fun. She is outgoing and makes everything fun.

Host: The song Favorite Character that Yeonjun did a collab with her, it didn't sound like your usual lyrics. Why is that?

CYJ: Taehyun's Girlfriend actually wrote the whole thing and asked me to do it since we are always reading and have a little book club between us.

Host: oh, so she writes also?

KTH: Yes! She is amazing and talented. I understand why she wants to stay anonymous but hopefully she well reveals herself and we will all be standing by her side.

Host: One more question before you all leave. Do you think Big Hits will sign her if she decides to go down that path?

KTH: We will see if that time ever comes but hopefully it is a yes!

Host: Thank you so much for coming today and I hope that you all keep collabing with her and we are looking forward too many more songs.

I smile thankful that I am getting a whole lot of love from working with the boys. Taehyun walks in through the door and sees me watching the interview for the 500th time in the past 3 weeks.

"Babe why are you not in bed yet?" He sits next to me on the couch wrapping his arms around me.

"Mhm I was thinking... Maybe I am ready..." I look at his surprised face that makes me giggle.

"Well we can have that happen if you are 100% sure." He kisses the side of my head holding me tighter.

"Just promise me if I do this you will not leave no matter how hard it gets and how busy we get." I play with his hand that was across my lap before looking up at him terrified of the future.

"I can do better than that..." He stands up and goes to his studio. He opens a drawer and gets out a tiny box and walks back to me. He sits next to me putting his arm around my shoulder as I sat against the back of the couch.

"Will you marry me?"

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