Red Flag

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"(Y/n) we can't tell anyone about us okay?" He told me leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.

"Okay," I said trying not to tear up. I really liked Taehyun and maybe he had his reasons but I felt like this was a huge red flag.

"Good because I really like you" he mumbled on my skin.

Time skip

I walked into campus ready to get my finals done so I could be one year closer to having my Bachelors degree. I walked past Taehyun's table and saw him flirting with a girl. I rolled my eyes now knowing why he wanted to keep me a secret.

"Hey (y/n) wait up" Heeseung called to me.

"Hey Heeseung" I smiled standing outside the building.

"So Taehyun is having a party this weekend and I was wondering if you were going with someone?" I sighed not knowing about this party.

"Um... I am not going at all. I didn't know about it... but I think I am seeing someone... can I get back to you on that?" He smiled and nodded giving me a small peck on my cheek. I slightly blushed then saw Taehyun watching me. I walked in to class and sat at my normal seat when Taehyun walks in. I wasn't in the mood for whatever he wanted right now.

"So... anything going on between you and Heeseung?" He got straight to the point.

"No just friends as of right now... I am surprised you even noticed I was alone with all the attention that girls were giving you." I opened my book and my notes getting ready for class. He scoffed and stood up to go sit with his friends.

I may have been a little too mean and cold but I was in pain... pain he was causing.

During lunch, I sat with Heeseung and his friend Beomgyu. All I wanted to do was cry. So I turned to Heeseung and buried my head in his chest.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked me wrapping his arms around me.

"You need to pinky promise you will not tell a soul what is about to come out of my mouth!" He linked my pinky with his and Beomgyu did the same.

"I think I am dating Taehyun... when I say I think it's because behind closed door we act like a couple but outside those 4 walls. I don't exists. The thing is I think I fell in love with him and I am just a game or a toy for him until he finds someone better" I cried and Heeseung hugged me tighter. He was having a hard time controlling his emotions.

"You know I make my feelings obvious for you... but you make your obvious as well. I know we are not meant to be so I let things slide but this is not something I can simply let slide. These tears are pain and I don't like that" he wiped my tears kissing my forehead.

"Heeseung it hurts like my heart really hurts. What is worse is that I feel dirty and gross like his dirty secret" I sobbed harder. Heeseung calmed me down and handed me water.

"We will get through this I will be there for you" he whispered in my ear.

Taehyun's POV

I was sitting on the other side of the wall (y/n) was eating behind. I could hear everything and it really broke my heart. I got home and had a few drinks with the boys. Those drinks ended up in me crying for no reason.

"Yo... are you okay?" Yeonjun asked me.

"I hurt her and hearing Her cry to another guy about it hurts less than the pain I heard in her sobs." I sniffled taking another sip.

"You know I heard Beomgyu and Heeseung talking about something similar back home... what the fuck did you do?" Yeonjun asked me. I topped off my glass bottle and threw it away.

"Probably every thing you are thinking of" I said.

"Who was it?" Was his next question.

"(Y/n)" I replied ashamed of myself. Yeonjun pinched the bridge of his nose frustrated.

"Heeseungs best friend and Crush... (y/n)?" I nodded as my reply to weak to speak.

"The thing is..." I started.

"You fell in love just like her and have already fucked it up?" I rolled my eyes annoyed at how well he knew me.


"Then you better fix this quick!"

The next day I got to school and ran to (y/n). She was with Heeseung and Beomgyu at a table typing on her lap top.

"Good morning" I said sliding in next to her. Beomgyu and Heeseung shared a confused look but minded their business.

"Good morning what do you need" she said ice-cold not even looking up at me.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" She looked at Beomgyu and Heeseung pretending to be busy.

"You can talk in front of them they won't say anything." She stated and they nodded making an X with their finger over their chest crossing their heart.

"I am sorry for hurting you... In reality I think I am falling in love with you and I went the wrong way about it and hurt you in the end. I understand if you never wanna talk to me. I just needed you to know. I Will stop my awful ways because I want to win your heart." (Y/n) sighed and looked over at Heeseung for support. He looked at Beomgyu asking for help on his but he couldn't help either.

"Look I know you feel bad. That's okay thank you for acknowledging it and apologizing... but I am pretty sure you say that to everyone and I am definitely not okay with recycled material. Thank you... but I need to go now" she packed up and started to walk away. I literally started to panic. I didn't wanna lose her.

"(Y/n)" I grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving and turned her into my body. My arm snaked around her waist and the other moved her hair out of her face. She was shocked and flustered so I took this opportunity. Looking around everyone was staring at us, so bent down and pressed my lips to hers in a sweet chaste kiss.

"Taehyun" she gasps looking around at everyone.

"She my girl and I need you all to stop staring at us so I can kiss her again and again and again" I whispered the last part pecking her lips between each word.

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