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I was Taehyun's Secret girlfriend. Yes, Secret. It has been 2.5 years of us being romantically involved and absolutely no one knew. It was hard listening to all my friends talk about their relationships and dates and in-law visits. I couldn't do that. It made me sad most days but I can't do anything about it. 5 months ago I was introduced to Taehyun friends as a friend he had gotten back in contact with. Made me happy that I could hang out with him and his friends but I had to act like a whole different person.

Today I was going on a weekend trip with the boys. I was already dreading the situation but I promised to go. Yeonjun and Beomgyu's girlfriends were tagging along as well. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach when Soobin came to get me instead of Taehyun. I locked my apartment and took a deep breath to mentally prepare myself for this weekend trip.

We got to this house in the woods that was big and beautiful. It looked straight out of a fairytale. Taehyun walked out of the car that Kai and Yeonjun were in. I made no eye contact with him.

"Hey, Soobin how was the ride?" Kai asked him.

"It was good but... Taehyun, does your friend talk?" Taehyun cocked his head to the side confused.

"Yes, she does why?" He was a little worried, making him look at me sitting on the swing connected to the tree waiting for instructions of where I was going to stay.

"She was quiet the whole ride. She looked uncomfortable coming here and just sat in the seat with her knees to her chest looking out the window. She would give me one-word answers to my questions and would help feed me or give me a drink but that was it." Taehyun frowned at Soobin's words.

"That's weird, maybe she doesn't want to be here but is too nice to tell us?" Kai suggested but just shrugged and walked away. Taehyun was approaching me when Yeonjun asked how we would split the rooms.

"I can sleep on the couch. I am the only single girl here and I am small so I would be comfortable" Yeonjun nodded and looked at everyone else. It was obvious Yeonjun and his Girl had a room and Beomgyu and his girl had a room.

"I will room with Soobin!" Both Kai and Taehyun shouted.

"Okay, that is settled." Let's go have fun. I walked behind the group but once I walked in the door I left all my negative feelings outside and put on a big smile trying to have a positive attitude for the weekend. The boys were cooking tonight because they lost against us 3 girls so we just sat around drinking and chatting.

"(Y/N) do you have a boyfriend?" I was asked honestly.

"No, um... I don't think I am dating material. No one is really ever interested in me" I chuckled and shrugged.

"What? Not true girl. You are Beautiful and any guy or girl would be happy to have you." They both placed a hand on my knee reassuring me they are not being nice but being honest.

"Thank you" was the only thing I said.

"Okay but, for real question... Is Taehyun dating anyone? I have a friend that would love to date him." I smiled trying to hide the hurt in my face.

"Hahaha, No Taehyun is not dating anyone... I need air" I got up and walked to the door. I heard them calling me but my legs were working by themselves. I reached outside and ran for a while stopping at the lake. To catch my breath and my racing thoughts.

Taehyun's POV

"Hey what's going on?" I asked the girls. They had worried faces.

"(Y/N) went to go get air but it looked like she was going to cry. Did I say something to hurt her?" I looked around and saw all her things her phone and everything.

"What did you say right before she left?"

"I asked if you had a girlfriend so I could introduce you to a friend. She said no but that's when her face dropped and she left. Is there something going on?" I stopped breathing for a minute when Yeonjun walked in.

"What is going on here is that Taehyun thinks we are stupid" I turned around surprised at his words.

"Why would you think that?" I asked nervously.

"Taehyun we all know you are dating or maybe just hooking up. It's obvious she has feelings for you." Soobin came over trying to be the calm one.

"OMG, she told us that she doesn't think she is dating material and that no one would wanna date her." They gasped and I felt my heart drop.

"Hey anyone Seen Kai?" Beomgyu walks into the conversation.

"Oh yeah, he went after (Y/N) so she wouldn't get lost." Soobin shrugged casually.

"They have been getting close lately," Beomgyu stated.

"Maybe because they are closer in age!" Soobin suggested. My heart dropped even more. No one could compete with Kai because he was in his own league. Am I going to lose (Y/N) for all the trouble I have caused?

TIME SKIP (A/n: I am not going to write sappy sad things this is already pretty sad in itself.)

Half an hour flew by and I was worried about both (Y/N) and Kai. It had started raining and the plate we made for her was getting cold. I heard the door open and I saw a soaking wet Kai carrying a soaking wet sleeping (Y/N) in his arms.

"What happened?" Soobin asked, getting towels to dry them off.

"She cried for I swear an hour straight with no words... just sobs. Whoever hurt her really did a number on her. She got tired halfway so I carried her back but I guess she fell asleep from crying so much." Everyone turned to look at me and I got scared.

"Okay yes, we are dating. For 2.5 years now! I AM THE ONE THAT HURT HER! But I promise it was not on purpose." I started crying looking at her in Kai's arms. He handed her to me and dried off going to change. I took (Y/N) into the room I was going to stay in and stripped her of the cold wet clothes attached to her body.

"Taehyun, I am sorry" she whispered. She sat up and avoided looking at me.

"Why are you sorry baby?" I asked cautiously.

"I should be better for you. I should have not run away. I should have controlled my emotions better. I think we need to end things here and I should call someone to pick me up and take me home." I started crying, shaking my head at her words.

"No baby... You are perfect. I need to be better. I am sad I made you feel like this and I am even sadder you never told me you felt like this. In reality, I am mad at myself. I am an awful boyfriend for doing this to you" I hugged her tight crying into her shoulder. Silence fell over us and I just held her for the rest of the night. No one came to bother us, no one uttered a word. I was too scared to say anything or let her go because I could lose her at this moment with how fragile things are.

Next Morning

I wake up and (Y/N) is not next to me. I panicked and got looking for her. My heart was racing, my mind was already going off the deep end and my body was shaking at all the scenarios my head was coming up with. I heard a familiar giggle coming from the kitchen. (Y/N) was helping the boys cook. She looked happy considering what happened last night. She truly is a force to be reckoned with.

"Sooooo. I have a question for my sister...How did you and Taehyun meet?" Kai asked (Y/N) while back hugging her.

"We met through a mutual friend, nothing special. I still have no idea what attracted a man like him to me but here we are." She giggled passing Yeonjun the spatula he asked for.

"Ugh, what attracted me was her beautiful smile and her sexy mind. She is cute and small but fierce and strong. She is everything a guy would ever want and probably even more." I smiled at her leaning against the door frame of the kitchen. 

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