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"hey babe." Jack says moving over, making room for me.

"hey handsome." I say blushing sitting down next to him.

"so when's your practice tonight?" he asks.

"I have to be here at 4:00 to set up the gym with Amy. hey, Ryan, do you want to come too?" I ask.

"yeah. I will." he says.

"do you want me to come by and pick you up?" I ask.

"yeah. thank you Jess." he says.

"anytime." I say. "oh and by the way, Jack, this is Ryan and that's Zachary."

"nice to meet you two." he says.

"you too." Zachary says.

"so, do you play any sports?" Ryan asks.

"yeah. I play basketball." Jack says.

"Jess, you'll have to fight me to be his cheerleader." Ryan says joking.

"I'd so win." I burst out laughing. "I could never fight you, but Jack is mine." I grab his arm and he kisses me. everyone "oohs" and "awws".

"okay, you win. but only because you guys are so cute." Ryan says.

"well, I know someone who you could be cute with.." I say smirking at Ryan and Zachary.

"do you know something I don't?" he says laughing, embarrassed.

"maybe. I don't know, do I Zachary?" I say trying to hide my smile.

"Jess!" he says embarrassed. "well, I feel like it's obvious now."

"wait. what's obvious?" Jack and Ryan both say.

"tell them Zachary." I say.

"well. Ryan, I.. uh.. I like you." Zachary says. everyone freaks out and I just smile at them.

"what?! really?!" Ryan says.

"yeah. I do." Zachary replies.

"oh my gosh. I was so nervous to sit next to you. I like you too." Ryan says relieved.

"yeah. I know.." Zachary says looking at me.

"Jess! you told him?" Ryan says.

"only after he told me he liked you. and it worked out, so let's all be happy and eat our lunch before we have to go to class." I say.

"agreed." Jack says.

"so are you still coming over after school tonight?" I ask.

"of course. I wouldn't want to miss a chance of spending time with you." Jack says. I can feel my cheeks get hot as I blush.

"hey gorgeous." Anna says sitting down next to me.

"hello love. you missed it." I say.

"missed what?" she asks.

"Ryan, Zachary, tell her." I say and they start talking so I turn back to Jack.

"you're gorgeous." he says.

"what? where'd that come from?" I say taken aback.

"you just are." he says smiling at me. I melt inside. his smile is the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

"well, you're absolutely amazing." I say smiling at him.

"so when exactly is homecoming?" he asks laughing and he rubs the back of his neck.

"it's next Saturday. 8:00-11:00." I say laughing.

"do you have a dress yet?" he asks.

"no. Amy and me are going shopping on Saturday." I say.

"oh. I was going to see if you wanted to go with me... but you're already going with Amy." he says.

"I could see if you could go too. and maybe Amy's date could go and y'all could hang out and shop with us, if you really want to." I say, and then I start laughing.

"what?" he says smiling.

"I'm just thinking of you being there when I shop. you'll be covered in clothes." I laugh even more.

"I'd honestly love that." he says.

"really?" I say.

"yeah. because then I'd spend more time with you and when I go shopping, you'd have to carry my clothes." he says.

"you're crazy." I laugh again.

"why?" he says trying not to laugh.

"I won't carry all of your clothes. I'll only carry some of the bags. but I'll be happy to help you pick out your clothes." I say.

"sounds like a deal." he says.

"seal it with a kiss?" I say. he smiles at me and leans in. we kiss and he pulls away smiling.

"we'll continue that later." he says and winks at me. I giggle a little and then realize that I just giggled. I've literally never giggled before.

"what do you have next?" I ask him.

"I have U.S. History, Calculus, French, Culinary and then a study hall." he says.

"okay. I have all with you. we have like every class together." I say.

"well good because I want to spend as much time as I can with you." he says.

I smile as the bell rings and you get up and throw my garbage away. Jack grabs my hand as we walk out, all eyes on us.


I know that this is all cutesy and lovey and gross. 😷 it gets more intense in a few chapters. I promise.

don't forget to like, comment and follow. ☺️💕 if I get 5 votes, I'll update early, if not, Friday.

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