chapter 32

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the elevator doors open and I step out, trying to find my mom.

"Jess?" I hear her say and I spot her, hobbling over to her.

"he's fine. just getting arrested and his friends from back in Omaha are here." I say, hoping she doesn't hear the arrested part.

"arrested?" my mom questions, trying very hard to hide the anger in her voice.

"he was drunk. well not completely drunk, but he'd been drinking." I explain to her, nervous about what she's going to say.

"we'll discuss this later." she says, clearly angry.

"and Jacks parents aren't around, they're on business, so someone has to pay his bail. so can I do that?" I ask my mom, afraid of what she's going to say.

"it's your money, not mine." she says.

"it's worth it for him." I say.

"do you want to talk Hun?" my mom asks me, sounding sincere.

"later, but I need to go see Jack, Jack, Sammy, and Nate right now." I say and I give her a kiss on the cheek and walk on my crutches back to the elevator.

I get back to his room and walk in, finding him, Sam, Nate, and Jack all talking.

"hey babe." he says, smiling looking up at me.

"how are you feeling?" I say walking over to him, and getting frustrated with my crutches slowing me down, so I just toss them on the floor, noisily.

"sorry." I say, and continue walking over. Sam was sitting next to him, but he got up, making room for me on the bed.

"I just can't wait to get out of this stupid hospital." Jack tells me.

"did they tell you the news?" I ask him.

"that I'm getting arrested? fücking stupid. I mean, I know it'll only be a few days, but still. I'm in the hospital and when I get released, I'm going to jail." he says irritated.

"yeah. I know, but you're actually not going to go because I'm going to pay your bail." I say, biting my lip and the room goes silent.

"wh- wh- what?" Johnson stutters.

"yeah. I don't want him to go to jail. and it's not like I don't have money saved for shit like this." I say, laughing a little.

"damn Gilinsky, where'd you even meet this girl? because if you have another girl like her, feel free to give her my number." Sam says and I laugh. thinking about Anna.

"how about Anna?" I whisper to Jack.

he just smiles at me and nods.

"what?" Nate asks.

"y'all will find out soon." I say.

"how soon?" Sam asks.

"how long are you going to be here?" I ask them.

"eh. I don't want to go back to school, so I guess until the beginning of October? I mean, it's senior year. we're not doing much." Johnson says.

"good. y'all are coming to homecoming. we'll get you dates. and I already have one for you Sammy." I say and Sammy smiles at me.

"sounds good." Sammy says and they all nod in agreement.

"I should probably tell my parents you're staying with us." Jack tells them.

they all nod and Jack goes to grab his phone.

"shit." he says.

"damn. you're phone is fücked up Gilinsky." Nate says.

"as if I don't fücking know." Jack replies, angrily.

"just use mine." I say hanging him my phone. he unlocks it with his fingerprint.

"your girls got mad trust in you bro." Sam says.

"should I not?" I question.

"nah. I just mean-" he starts, but Jack cuts him off.

"shut up. I'm on the phone. holy shit." Jack says, aggravated. whispering the last part, but only I could hear it and I laugh a little and he smiles back at me.

everyone sits in silence as Jack talks to his parents.

"are you serious?"

"why not?"

"so they can, but not him."

"whatever." he says and hangs up the phone, giving it to me.

"what was that about?" Johnson asks.

"wilk isn't allowed to stay." he says, gesturing towards Sam.

"why the fück not?" he asks and before Jack can reply he just smiles.

"oh yeah." he laughs.

"yeah. so I don't know where you're going to stay." Jack says and everyone stays silent.

"stay with me. I have extra rooms, my dads never home and my mom won't care. she'll be happy to have a teenage boy in my house honestly. and it's probably exactly what you think." I say, not believing that I actually said the last part.

"really Jess?" he asks, his eyes lit up and his smile wide.

"I'm hoping you're not talking about the fact that my moms a married cougar." I say laughing.

"nah. that you're letting me stay with you until after homecoming." he says.

"good." I reply.

"so how long are you staying in this hell hole?" Johnson asks.

"probably until like 10:00 AM."

"and it's 6:00 right now."

"do y'all want to get something to eat or anything?" I ask them, figuring that I need to get to know them.

"yeah, but what about Gilinsky?" Nate asks.

"we'll just bring him back food. pancakes?" I laugh, turning to him.

"of course." he laughs and I give him a kiss.

"sounds good. we can go to The Duck." I say.

"they have amazing pancakes." Jack chimes in.

"you think any pancake is amazing." Sam adds and we all start laughing.

then we hear a knock on the door.

"Mr. Gilinsky, your visitors have to leave." the doctor says, "we need to start your testing."

"okay. come back after." Jack says.

everyone says "bye.", but I give Jack a quick hug and kiss.

"I love you." I say, walking out of the door.

"I love you too babe."


sorry this is late. relay for life was last night and they ended up cancelling at 10:30 because the weather was awful and there was a tornado warning. in northern New York. and peoples tents were flying away (mine included, but we had a small one and the hot guy I was talking about, if you've read my A/N's before, his tent flew away and his was huge.) but my ex came with my brother and I wasn't even able to hang out with my friend because he was so jealous and annoying and he got all butthurt because of it. the only time I was able to hang out with my friend was after the luminary ceremony, and that was like for a minute because everyone had to leave. and I'd never went to the luminary ceremony before BC I didn't want to cry, but he was talking about his moms fight with cancer there and he asked me to come. and my ex stayed with me the whole time and texted me flipping out after. 😒

but I have a party today, so bye. ✌🏼️

wait, I forgot to add that my friend is graduating high school and going to California to train for the navy and he's not coming back home for relay for life for a few years, which is the only time that I ever see him. 😔

okay, but bye for real now. ✌🏼️

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