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"Madison Beer? that fücking 'famous' girl who can't sing worth shit and is only 'famous' because her nudes 'leaked'? that one?" I say, getting angry again.

"yeah.." he says quietly, with his head down.

"why the fück were you talking to her?" I ask, anger boiling inside of me.

"we had a fling over the summer." he says, still refusing to look at me.

"fling as in what?" I say, my voice getting louder.

"why do you think I have condoms? I obviously fücked her." he says, getting angry, but still not looking at me.

"fück you Jack. you're not at all innocent. I wanted you to take my virginity, but good luck with that. 'oh I'm too scared to call desi and find out if we had sex.' I'm sure that you fücked her twenty times before then."

"Jess-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"look at me and tell me that you didn't. look me in the eyes Jack." I say and angry tears start rolling down my face.

"Jess-" he starts, still not looking me in the eyes.

"fücking look me in the eyes Jack."

"I don't want to lie to you." he says, finally looking in my eyes.

"then don't. it's that simple." I say, still angry.

"I did, but none of that matters anymore because I have you." he says and walks towards me.

"then why did you invite her?" I ask and I get up and walk out of the door, wiping my eyes and trying to fix my makeup without a mirror.

Jack didn't say a word. he just sat there, his mouth wide open.

I decide to do the one thing that will both piss Jack off and I will regret.

I need to find Brock.

I go into the kitchen and find him near the drinks. I take a few shots and grab Brock's hand and drag him to the 'dance floor'.

"what's gotten into you?" Brock asks smiling as I start grinding on him.

"a few shots and a few sluts." I laugh a little.

"well, you need those more often." he says and laughs.

I grind on him for the next half hour, but I'm exhausted.

"can we go sit down? I'm dying." I say, trying to catch my breath.

"of course." he says and walks me over to the couch.

we sit down and we start talking.

"you look really fücking hot tonight." he says.

"do I not the rest of the time?" I laugh.

"nah babe. you look hot all day every day." he says, inching closer to me.

he starts leaning in and I close the space between us. we make out for 10 minutes and then we come up for air.

"another drink?" he asks.

"of course." I reply and I stand up. he starts walking behind me and puts his hands on my waist.

the same thing that Jack always does.

"fück!" I scream realizing what I've just done.

I run away from Brock as fast as I can.

I need to find Jack. now.

I start with the last place I saw him.

his room.

"Jack?" I say, cautiously, as I close the door and step in.

no response.

I turn the light on.

"what the fück?" I say when my eyes adjust to the light.

what the hell happened in here?

his beds a mess. all of our stuff is thrown out of our backpacks. my homecoming dress is lying on the floor and everything is out of place.

"Jack? babe? are you in here?" I say.

does he even still want me to call him babe? I mean, we didn't officially break up, but it was close.

when I think of that, all of the happy memories of Jack and I from the past few days come flooding back and I sit on the floor and start crying.

pancakes for lunch, kissing, him asking me to homecoming, him asking me out, the way he smiled, how his eyes lit up when he saw me, just everything.

and I fücked it up.


this chapter is actually one of my faves.

I'm dying right now you guys.

it's hot.

I still have 10 school days left.

plus since I live in New York, I have to go back for 4 regents.

(if you don't know what that is, it's pretty much a second final that counts as much as a semester would for your final grade.)

and NYS is stupid af and scheduled the earth science and algebra 2/trigonometry regents for the same time.

and I have both.

so my friends and I that are in both have to take our trig one first, in a separate room and we can't leave that room without being unsupervised for the whole day. so between them, we can't go to the store to get lunch or get our phones.

yay. 😒

but on the bright side, I got a summer job. and my best friend and crush work there. 😏

okay. now that I have a long a/n, I'm going to go write some more.

peace. ✌🏼️

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