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"so, why aren't you able to stay at Jacks house?" I ask Sammy, pulling out of my driveway to go pick up Jack.

"well, you know his sisters, Molly and Laura?" Sam replies.

"I don't actually know them, but he has told me about them." I reply, still waiting for his answer.

"well, I came back from a party and I was drunk off my ass and they were both there and I'm not sure who it was, but I started making out with one of them and I was hitting on them bad and then his dad came down and I started smoking a bong and he saw that and he kicked me out and now I can't spend the night." he explains, chuckling a little at the memory.

"that's it?" I ask because it doesn't seem like that big of a deal.

"well, I also sleep naked and I sleep walk and ended up in Jacks parents room a few times." he says and I burst out laughing.

"what the hell? you should've told me." I say, trying my hardest not to laugh.

"I'll lock the door then." he laughs.

his smile is amazing.

"what?" he asks, looking at me and I realise that I've been staring at him the whole time.

"nothing." I say, shaking my head, a little embarrassed.

"okay." he says, dragging out the 'y'.

"what time is it?" I ask, changing the subject.

"9:14." Sammy replies.

"Starbucks?" I ask, even though I'm going whether he says yes or no.

"always." he says laughing.

we decided to go through the drive thru because I didn't feel like getting out, I mean, I did fix my face, but that's a lot of work.

I got a s'mores frappuccino with soy and Sam got a double chocolaty chip crème frappuccino.

"chocolaty chip is so manly." I tease him as we drive to the hospital.

"it's fücking delicious though." he laughs, "try some."

"ehh." I say, hesitantly.

"come on, you know you want some." he says, taking mine and replacing it with his.

he took a sip of mine.

"holy shit." he says, "this is amazing."

I drink a little of his.

"eh. mines better." I say, trying to take mine back.

"I'm not done yet." Sammy says, refusing to give me it back.

"hey!" I yell, playfully hitting him, "give me my drink back!"

"fine." he says and we switch back.

"drink enough?" I joke.

"nope." he says and takes another drink of mine.

"quit taking my Starbucks! I'm a white girl. I need my Starbucks to fuel myself. did you not see my uggs this morning?" I laugh.

"but I'm a white girl at heart." Sam says, pouting.

"shut up." I giggle, slapping his arm playfully.

"whatever." he says and turns away from me, pretending to be mad.

"fine." I say, trying to seem mad, but it's hard not to laugh because he keeps on looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

we ended up making eye contact and laughing hysterically.

I turn the radio up because one of my fave songs was on. we don't talk much, we just listen.

"up next, we have 'Nothing to a King' by Sammy and Skate." the radio host says.

"shit." Sam says, expressionless.

"what?" I ask confused.

"holy fück. holy fücking shit." he says, pulling out his phone. he starts smiling, bigger than I've ever seen anyone smile.

"what?" I ask and he still ignores me.

"I need to call Nate. holy shit. I can't fücking believe it." he says and I'm still just as confused.

"what can't you believe?" I ask, looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

"that's Nate and me." he says and I can see a tear coming out of his eye.

"whoa. what?" I ask, still just as confused.

"Sammy and Skate. I'm Sammy, obviously. Nate is Skate." he says and I've never seen anyone so happy.

"so you're on the radio? 'Nothing to a King' is your song?" I ask, not believing it.

"yes. I'm calling Nate now, be quiet." he says and I can't help but laugh.

"NATE! GUESS WHAT?! WERE ON THE FÜCKING RADIO!" he yells into his phone.

I hear mumbling as a response.


and as he says that, it comes on.

"I'm snapchatting this shit. I'll see you soon." he says a little more calm.

he starts singing along and opens up his snapchat.

"yo guys! 'Nothing to a King' is on the radio!" he says and continues singing along afterwards.

"this songs actually really good." I say, about halfway through.

"thanks." he says and smiles at me.

I can't help but smile after that. it might've been a small gesture, but it seemed sincere. oh well.

the songs over now.

"I'm downloading that and I'm going to learn all of it." I say, convinced I can do it.

"hey, it gives me money." he laughs.

"on second thought, I could just use YouTube or soundcloud." I say, trying to hide my smirk.

"shut up." he says laughing.

"oh, so I think I know of a girl you can date. well at least go to homecoming with." I tell him, thinking of Anna.

"really? is she at all like you, because I might have to pass on that." he says, trying his hardest not to laugh.

"shut up. you know you love me." I say joking.

"fine." he says, smiling.

"she's my best friend, and she's a lot like me, we just don't look the same. she has red hair, but she plays volleyball, soccer and softball. I just cheer and play softball." I tell him.

"name?" he asks.

"Anna." I tell him.

"okay, have her come over tonight or something." he says.

"I'm going to Jacks to clean up tonight, so tomorrow?" I suggest.

"sounds good." he says and we pull into the hospital parking lot.


so I honestly have no idea when the last time I updated was because I can't find it on the new update.

so sorry if I'm late. I had regents' too.

yesterday was my brothers graduation party and my ex/best friend came and we hung out all day and he spent the night.

and we made out.

I feel like that sounds like a fanfic. 😂😂😂

well, bye, I'm going to write more and try to update on time?

title is BC Jack j's song 'bloom' on soundcloud and they're friendship is 'blooming'. idek.

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