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"hello gorgeous." Jack says hugging me after practice.

"so how was football?" I ask him.

"I wasn't actually playing, but it's pretty good. I wish I could've played." Jack says.

"maybe you could. hold on." I say pulling out my phone and dial Troys number.

"what are you doing?" he asks. I just hold up my finger.

"hello?" Troy says, sounding out of breath.

"hey troy it's Jess." I say.

"oh.. I'm not trying to be rude when I say this, but why are you calling me?" he asks.

"Jess-" Jack says, but I cut him off.

"Jack. hold on." I say and continue, "say that someone, who wasn't here for tryouts, wanted to play football, is there anyway that they would be able to?"

"does Jack want to play?"

"yeah. he mentioned it."

"hold on. let me talk to coach."

"alright." I say and I don't say anything to Jack. I just wait for Troy to reply.

"okay, so coach said that he did want him to play, so can you just have him come talk to coach. we're by the equipment shed." he says and hangs up.

"follow me." I say and start hobbling away.

"why?" Jack asks, catching up to me and stopping me.

"you'll find out. just trust me." I say and I give him a quick kiss.

"is it about me playing football?" he asks, not sounding very happy.

"you don't seem happy?"

"you should've told me you were planning on doing that."

"I didn't plan on it, it just happened." I say.

"you're lucky I love you."

"I love you too." I say and he moves from in front of me and we walk/hobble to the equipment shed. I see Troy and the coach waiting there.

"hello Jack. nice to see you again." the coach says, extending his hand. Jack shakes it and smiles.

"hello coach."

"so, I hear you want to play?" the coach says, shifting his weight to his left foot.

"yes sir." Jack tells him.

"good. I could use a wide receiver. have you played before?"

"I did when I was younger, but I stopped my sophomore year. and I was wide receiver."

"good. what are you doing tomorrow? we have practice at 9:00. you should come and Coach Simpson can work with you on the side."

"okay. thank you sir."

"I'll see you then." he says and walks away. Troy smiles at us and then follows him.

"happy?" I say, turning to Jack.

"can you put your crutches down for a second?" he asks me and I set them down, hesitantly.

he immediately picks me up and spins me around in his arms. I can't help but giggle. "I love you soooo much!"

"I love you too. and guess what?" I say and he stops spinning, but he doesn't put me down.

"what?" he asks, smiling his perfect smile that makes me melt.

"my ankle isn't that bad." I say emphasizing the 'that'.

"what?" he asks confused.

"yeah. put me down?" I ask him as nicely as I can. he puts me down gently and goes to get my crutches. "no. I think I'm good." he looks at me confused and I walk over to him, lame on my right ankle.

"babe! be careful!" Jack almost yells.

"I'm fine. I just need to rest it for like one more day and then get an ankle brace and I'll be set. I'm supposed to walk on it anyway."

"not for another week." he says.

"oh, I'll be fine. can we just go home? well, back to your house?" I ask, the sun slowly beginning to set.

"yeah. we can." he says and grabs my crutches.

"okay. then let's go." Jack says and we walk to his car, which surprisingly is surrounded by a lot of other cars. I thought that there would be less cars than this. I get into Jacks car and when we get to his house and Mrs. Gilinsky greets us at the front door.

"Jess? honey, are you okay?" she asks as soon as she sees the crutches.

"yeah. I'm fine. it's just a little sprain." I say, brushing it off.

"well, let me know if you need anything." she says smiling, and then walks back into the kitchen to finish dinner. "dinner will be ready in about 45 minutes."

"okay. thanks mom. is dad here?" Jack asks.

"yeah. he's in the second living room." she tells us.

"do you want to meet him now or at dinner?" Jack asks me.

"at dinner because I need to call my mom. can we go to your room?" I ask.

"yes we can. set your stuff down and I'll come back down and get it." he says and as soon as I set my stuff down, he picks me up and carries me 'bridal-style' to his room, one arm around his neck and the other holding my crutches.

he sets me on his bed and goes back downstairs to get our stuff so we can do our homework.

I dial my moms number and wait for her to pickup so I can explain why she's getting billed for someone having a sprained ankle. after a few rings, she picks up.

"hey honey. how are you doing?" she asks.

"I'm doing good, but I've been better. I sprained my ankle today." I say and I can hear her practically choke on the other line.

"what? are you okay?" she almost yells at me.

"yeah. it's just a minor sprain from gym. I'll be back in a few days. like to sports and stuff."

"okay. I'd really like you to come home. I really miss you."

"I miss you too mom, but you should understand that I can't go home and see them right now, but if you want, you can come see me tomorrow."

"at Jacks house?"

"yeah. I think you and Mrs. Gilinsky would be really good friends. she's exactly like you. and I want to see you too."

"okay. I will." she says and I see Jack walk through the door.

"okay, but I have to go. I love you. I'll text you his address."

"okay. love you too. bye."

"bye mom." I say and hang up.

as soon as I hang up, Jack walks in the door and drops all of our schoolwork.

"what the hell? you scared the shit out of me!" I yell at Jack, laughing a little, but then I see his face, completely expressionless.

"what?" I ask him, still no response. then, it happens.


so I decided not to rant about my coach, but let's just say that I hate favourites.

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