the first day

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"Im not going." I say to mom.
"honey. you have to go. it's your first day of your senior year." she replies.
"ugh. whatever."
the first day of school is tomorrow. at least it's my last first day. until college. I don't even like anyone at this school. they're all druggies, whores, rich kids, nerds, or jocks. what am I? none of them. I only have one friend, Anna. she's just like me. yeah, we play sports, but we don't devote our lives to them. we both get good grades, but not 100s on calculus tests. we avoid drugs and party's, not that we ever get invited. we're both virgins and proud. we have money, but we don't flaunt it. I text Anna.
Jess: can't wait for hell to start tomorrow!
Anna: at least it's our senior year.
Jess: then we can get away from all of these mundanes.
Anna: yeah. I'm going to bed though. I'll see you tomorrow. goodnight.
Jess: meet me outside by the tree tomorrow?
Anna: okay.
Jess: goodnight.
I lock my phone and get ready for bed, even though it's only 9:30. I normally go to bed when Anna does because I have nothing else to do.
"mom! I'm going to bed!" I yell downstairs.
"okay Hun! goodnight. love you! I won't be here in the morning when you wake up, so good luck tomorrow." she replies.
"thanks! I'll need it. goodnight. love you." I then shut my door and climb into my queen sized bed. I turn my music on and fall asleep.
"ugh." I grunt as my alarm goes off. I turn it off and fling my legs off of my bed. I go downstairs into the kitchen, and look in the fridge, deciding not to eat anything.
"I'll just go to Starbucks before school." I say to myself before closing the door. i walk back upstairs and take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I put on my mascara and eyeliner and then curl my hair and go into my room to put on my outfit. I decide to wear cream knee socks over my favorite skinny jeans and put on a sweater that matches my socks, and black combat boots, topping it off with a bow in my hair. it's 7:32, I still have half an hour until I have to be to school. I decide to just head out now so I can make it to Starbucks.
"I'm going to-" I yell before I remember that no ones home. my dad is away on business and my mom already left. Gavin, my brother is away at college on a big football scholarship playing for Alabama. I hear about it every day. I grab my keys off of my dresser and head downstairs, my footsteps echoing throughout the big empty house. just reminding me of how alone I feel.
"shit." I say before I realize that I forgot to text my mom. she had told me that I needed to text her before I leave for school.
Jess: I'm leaving for school.
mom: why so early?
Jess: getting Starbucks.
mom: okay. have fun today sweety. you'll be fine.
I lock my phone and slide it into my back pocket. I grab my bag as I head into the garage. I unlock my car, a silver Ford Focus. a few years old because I wouldn't let my mom and dad buy me an expensive brand new car because I'd rather take the money and give it to people that need it instead of buying a new one, which it's really just a car. all cars have the same purpose. as long as I can get there I'm good. I pull out of my garage and drive about 5 minutes to Starbucks. I get my pumpkin spice latte and drink it as I drive to school. I finish it as I pull into the parking lot. it's 7:50. I still have 20 minutes until I have to be in my first period class and there aren't many people here. I text Anna.
Jess: are you here?
Anna doesn't reply for a few minutes.
Anna: yeah. I just got here.
Jess: okay. I'm heading to the tree now.
Anna: okay. I'll see you there!
I lock my phone and slide it into my pocket as I get out of my car. it's a little breezy outside. I'm so glad that I wore pants instead of shorts. I can see Anna at the tree.
"hey Anna!" I yell to her. she looks up.
"Jess!" she yells running towards me, her arms open. we get to each other and hug.
"it feels like we haven't seen each other in forever!" I say.
"but it was only Saturday." she says and we both laugh.
"come on. let's go in and put all of this crap in our lockers." we both laugh and we walk to her locker first because it's closer, then mine, talking the whole time.
I hope y'all enjoy the new story. I'm going to try and update every Monday and Friday. ☺️ remember to vote, comment, and follow me. you can also comment what you think will happen. ❤️

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