jacks house

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I take a step out and I don't see anyone. I pick up my bag and walk down the stairs, glancing back to make sure Jack is behind me. he smiles at me and grabs my hand. I am walking into the living room when I see my dad and Gavin sitting on the couch. I freeze immediately.

"it's okay." Jack whispers to me and I slowly take a step, my floor creaking.

"Jess?" my dad says turning around, facing me.

"I'm going to Jacks." I say not even looking at him.

"no you aren't." he says and I stop and face him.

"what the hell do you mean?" I say aggravated.

"I mean, if you leave, I am taking your car." he says.

"okay. at least let me get my stuff from it." I give Jack my bag for him to put in his car.

"okay. your cars unlocked." my dad says.

I give Jack a kiss and whisper to him, "I'm going to take my car. I'll meet you out front." he nods and I walk towards the door to my garage.

Jack starts talking to my dad and Gavin. I quickly glance back and see them both looking at Jack. I grab my keys as fast and quiet as I can. I slip them in my pocket and open the door.

I don't look back, but I can hear Jack saying goodbye as I shut the door. I walk down the steps and walk over to the garage door. I manually lift it up so that it's quiet. I go to my car and slide in, turning it on.

I pull out and leave the door open, waiting for Jack to move so we can get away before they realize what we're doing. Jack comes out of the door with my bag and puts it in his car. he looks back at me before getting in his car. he slowly starts to pull off and I shut the door, pulling away and honking the horn.

my dad and Gavin immediately run outside. it takes all that I have not to roll down my window and flip them off, but I figure it would just make things worse.

I turn on the radio and Taylor Swift is on. I turn the radio up and sing along, following Jack. I realize something.

"this is the first time that I've ever been to Jacks house." I say aloud, even though I'm alone.

"that means that I have to meet his family like this. I was an emotional wreck less than 10 minutes ago and now I'm going to possibly meet his family. okay." I turn off the radio and grab my phone.

I hold down on my home button, without taking my eyes off of the road. "call finny." I say into my microphone.

it starts ringing. and ringing. and ringing. he finally answers.

"you know, you shouldn't be on your phone while driving." Jack says, laughing a little.

"it's on speaker and I used Siri to call you." I explain.

"okay. I guess that's fine. I just don't want you getting hurt." Jack says.

"the overprotective boyfriend? I like that." I say smiling, not that he can tell.

"I can't let anyone or anything hurt my baby." Jack says.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too babe." he replies.

"oh, I have a question. that's why I called." I say.

"ask away." he says.

"okay, so is your family going to be there?" I ask.

"not now. my mom and dad are at work, but they should be back later." he says.

"okay, I'm a little nervous about meeting them." I confess.

"don't be. if you want, you won't have to meet them until tomorrow." he says.

"that sounds amazing. how much longer?" I ask, getting even more tired than before.

"just a few more miles." Jack says.

"okay. I'm going to hang up though so I can blare my music and not fall asleep. I love you." I say.

"I love you too." he says and I wait for him to hang up.

I turn my radio back on and blare it louder than before. I sing along and before I know it we're there.

I pull into his driveway, it's a fairly big house. two stories and a big yard. I park and turn off my car.

I take a deep breath before I get out. I go to open my door, but Jack has already opened it.

I look up at him and smile. he bends down and gives me a kiss.

"I'm exhausted." I say trying to get out of my car. Jack notices me struggling a little bit and picks me up. "now, if you carry me, how are you going to carry my bags too?" I ask.

"very carefully." he says laughing.

"good luck with that." I say. he carries me 'bridal style' and put my bag over his shoulder. I lean my head on him and try not to fall asleep.

we get to his door and he speaks.

"I need to grab my keys, so I'm going to put you down quickly."

"okay." I mutter quietly.

he sets me down and unlocks his door. he doesn't open it though, instead he types in a security code.

he opens the door and types in a security code on the inside to turn the security system back on.

"why so many codes?" I ask groggily.

"I have no clue. it came with the house." he explains.

"oh. okay." I say and I jump into his arms, opposite of a piggy back ride.

"want to go sleep?" he asks quietly.

"please." I say yawning.

"okay." Jack says starting to walk and I lean my head on his shoulder.

he quietly walks up the stairs and turns right. he opens a door after a few steps and walks in.

he lays me down on the bed and lays on top of me. I open my eyes and smile at him, suddenly feeling awake.

"feeling a bit frisky?" I say flirtatiously.

"maybe." he says and winks at me.

"you're lucky-" I start to say, but he cuts me off.

"I am lucky. that I found a girl like you and that you actually like me." he says laughing a little.

"no. I'm more lucky than you. every girl wants you." I say.

"and every guy wants you. anyway, I don't care about any of those girls. I only care about you." he smiles and I lean and give him a kiss.

he pulls away. "I have to go get your bag. you can sleep if you want."

"okay. I'll sleep." I say and he walks out of the room. I climb up to his pillows and immediately fall asleep.


when I read back through these, I get annoyed because it's all 'lovey dovey' and 🙅😷.

but this is going to pick up again.

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