Quick Note

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Alright listen very very carefully...

I do not plan on STOPPING this story


I do plan on taking longer on it than I already have.

Let me explain:
       I pretty much lost motivation to continue and I feel so so ever guilty when I see someone comment cause I see how much everyone likes it. I haven't written ANYTHING since my last update back in March.

So what I'm thinking is that I'm going to take my time to get back into the groove of writing, I'm going to have about three chapters written out before I post anything else, I'm also going to be working on other stories as well.

So what I'm hoping on getting done this year is:

1. Get "Soothing Like the Stars" to Chapter 40-45

2. Start working on "Just Remember" (book two of Just Leave)

3. Get 5 chapters out on "Just Remember"

4. Get "Blue & Grey" (my Dan& Phil book) to Chapter 15

5. Get a new book out- No definite chapter releases. (If you're interested I'll continue on about that at the end of this)

Sounds like alot, but I know very well I can get to it, I just really really need to take my time to work on the chapters, motivation, and get the stories going again.

I'm glad people still enjoy this and new people are finding this and I hope very much that you continue to support this. Just give me by July and there should be a new chapter here.

Hell! My birthday is the 26th! I might even have it out by then!

Anyways thank you if you understand, I don't like having discontinued stories very often and this one is doing too good to just stop!

And if you are interested in anything other than South Park then I'm planning on getting a different book out this year!

Like #5 said I want to push a new book which seems stupid I'll admit, but having different options to write on gives me more motivation than you realize.

But I have a bunch of different books I plan on getting out (not this year but at least one of them.

Here's a list of books I'm planning on writing:

* Fazbears Secret: FNAF fanfic about the gang finding out about murders from their past after a new repeated murder happens at one of the main characters job!
(4 Chapters Done/??)

* The Hanahaki Disease: A high school boy falls in love with the new kid and things seem to turn South when he develops the one sided disease. Race against time to solve this before his love kills him!
(2 Chapters Done/??)

* Beyond Reality: Willow Starr has been told of a different world that her father comes from and to be quite frank- she doesn't believe it. But when all odds seem to land her in the mythical world she's been told all her life, she now has to survive long enough to find a way home!
(3 Chapters Done/??)

I plan on getting one of these stories out, so if you're intrigued by one let me know! If one gets a lot of attention then I might just focus on it a lot more!

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