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"I thought Mr. Tucker was your-" Token punched Clyde in the shoulder as Craig rolled his eyes. "I don't talk about my family, biological or not" Craig said staring at Mr. Alvarez with burning pupils. "W-we could come by another day-"

"No please stay, I would like to meet Craigs friends" Mr. Alvarez said getting up to hold his hand out. Craig got in between us and just glared at his father. "What's so special about this one? Huh son?" Mr. Alvarez asked with a smirk.

"I don't want anything to do with you. I'd rather deal with Thomas than you" Craig growled. "Pfft, you call him by his name? You really have become rebellious haven't you?" He laughed.
God they are so alike...

"I guess I have, Xavier" Craig said through gritted teeth.
Clyde, Token, and I just stared as everything just got awkward. "I'm very lenient with you, but you know better than to call me by my name" He growled.

"Enough you two. I don't want you to fight, not in front of Tricia" Mrs. Tucker said, giving a mother warning look. "C'mom Craig, it's fine. My name is Tweek sir" I said stepping from behind Craig. "Pleasure to meet you Tweek" He said winking, I felt a rush of discomfort run through me as I stepped back.

"I'm Clyde Donovan, sir. It's swell to meet you" Clyde said giving Mr. Alvarez a firm handshake. "It's swell to meet you as well" Mr. Alvarez said return the firmness. "There you met my friends, can we go now?" Craig asked, crossing his arms. "Well.. Craig, Xavier is here because of you" Mr. Tucker said, he held the same annoyance that Craig holds in his eyes. "Me? What do you want with me? You didn't come back when mom told you she was pregnant, why return after I'm 18" Craig asked, hinting at the salt he added to his words.

"That's the thing Craig, you're 18 now. You can move out if you wanted. I came here to ask you to come with me" He offered. We all looked at one another as Craig stood in complete shock. "I didn't return because by the time I actually found out about you, your mother was already with Mr. Tucker here. I assumed you would have a happy life so I waited till you were 18 so we could spend how ever long you wanted with me" He continued as he walked back to the couch.

"I- what?" Craig was at a complete lost for words. "I'm still in school? I'll graduate next semester so why ask in the middle of September?" All four of us stared at the man as we stared back at Craig. He took a deep breathe and leaned back into the couch.

"There is an online schooling program you can get on. Works with whatever hours you would like, and afterwards you can do online college if you'd like" He said looking at us. Craig took a shaky breathe, he obviously was getting either frustrated with his appearance or starting to actually feel some kind of happiness for his fathers return.

Craig looked up at the ceiling to think of his next words. My eyes peaked over to Mr. Alvarez, who's eyes returned back into mine. Why is he staring at ME? Is it just in my mind?

"I don't think I want to leave South Park yet, I've lived here my entire life, and I still have all my friends here as well" Craig said as he looked back at him. "It's not a problem for Tweek to come with, he's 18 right?"

"Excuse me?!" I said, facing going hot. "Why Tweek? He's 18 yeah, but what does he have to do with this?" Craig asked in pure confusion. "He's obviously your boyfriend son, you don't have to hide that from me" Mr. Alvarez smiled.

"Tweels not my/his boyfriend" Craig and Mr. Tucker said at the same time. All three looked at each other before continuing. "Craig is not gay, he isn't like that" Mr. Tucker spoke first, which wasn't wise..

"First of all, do not defend me Thomas. Second, you don't know. Stop assuming that I'm straight because then that just shows him much of a homophobe you are!" Craig yelled.

"Craig please-" Mr. Alvarez stood up. "You don't have to yell, I'm sorry for saying anything" "N-no! It's not okay. What right do you have to come back after 18 years to waltz back into my life and try to invite us to live with you? How pathetic are you?" Craig fired back.

This.. This is the bully everyone knows at school, but hearing what is going on in his life just made it all sad..

"Craig that's enough" His mother said trying to defuse the situation. "No it's not, why did you let him in? Why did you let him come back after leaving you? Is it because he is your soulmate? Did you think he came back for you?" Craig asked, his anger started to grow in a horrible way.

I grabbed his arm "Craig stop!" I yelled. My hand shook as I held his arm. He didn't look at me as he tried to calm his breathing. "I don't know if I want to go with Xavier, but I sure as hell don't want to stay here either" He said, he grabbed my hand and started pushing us out the door.

His parents called out to him as he took off down the sidewalk back towards the coffee shop. "What the hell was that?" Clyde asked. "I don't know" Craig muttered. "That was fucking insane, why did you say all that?" Token asked this time. "I don't know okay! Let's just go back to the shop" Craig yelled, gripping my hand tighter. "C-craig my hand.. You're-"

He let go and slowed down a bit. "I'm sorry. I just got protective" He mumbled. "It's fine, let's just go" I said grabbing his hand again. He looked down at it then smiled for a split second at me.


So I wasn't going to say anything but it might be a while till the next chapter. So if you're reading this and thought nothing of the chapter then you best go back and reread it again because there is a hint in this chapter that leads to Thomas accepting and caring about Craig. Soooo just comment and if you get it then I'll DM you tell you, you are right.

Have fun!!

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