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It's my birthday :D
Have a chapter!!


We walked out the theater in silence.

"What the fuck" Craig started.

"I-it was a draw.. They te-teamed up to defeat Mechz-zilla?" I sputtered out.

"Are you serious?! All those times in detention! All those cute threats you said to me just for it to be a draw?!" Craig shouted as we moved to the side away from everyone.

My face lit up at his half compliment about me as he stood there completely missed of anymore words.

"Then what does that make our deal? void?" I asked quickly. He looked at me with widened eyes before looking away.

"I mean... Technically Godzilla won" Craig muttered.

"No way! Kong totally would have whooped that dinosaurs ass if that Mech didn't show up!" I defended, punching Craig in the arm.

"And Godzilla still would have won because he won two of those fights!" Craig argued.

I huffed out in annoyance mainly because Craig is right. Kong didn't even win one fight on his own making Godzilla stronger.

"F-fine, you win but im not happy about it!" I said turning away. Smirking Craig leaned in so our heads were touching.

"Then do I get my mystery prize?" He asked smugly. I smiled before rolling my eyes at him.

"With the way you're teasing I shouldn't give it to you" I scolded making him chuckle loud enough for me.
"But you did win and a deals a deal" I said.

I learned in and closed the distance, taking his lips into mine.

"You are one of a kind Tweekers" He said, pulling away.

"I'd hope so, cause if there were anyone like me then I'd have competition" I said smiling.

"Oh, feisty I like it~" he said taking my hand in his. "Coffee shop is still open, wanna go get something?" I suggested.

"Only if you let me pay~" He sung

"Free coffee? Hell yeah!" I cheered, earning a playful nudge from his hips as we started to walk down the streets.

XxHaterxX: Look who I caught at the movies~ Didn't Tucker go on a rampage about how he hates gays? And don't get me started on Tweek! After all Craig had said? And yet there they are! @supercraig__@tweaktweek

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XxHaterxX: Look who I caught at the movies~ Didn't Tucker go on a rampage about how he hates gays?
And don't get me started on Tweek! After all Craig had said? And yet there they are!

__KennyMccormick: Dude not cool, who the hell even are you?

ButteredPopcorn: Hey man, that's my best friend you're talking about!

Heidi__Turner: Point taken, but taking a picture of them without their permission is weird...

Wendy_T__: That's very rude and awful to say, take this down or else

XxHaterxX: It'll be up long enough for everyone to see before it gets taken down.

Cutie_ Bebe: They have a point. Craig said some nasty things and Tweek just waltz back to him. That's dumb on BOTH their parts.

Clyde__Donovan: They are BOTH my friends and you weren't even there when they made up and decided to work stuff out. You have no rights to be talking shit.

Cutie_Bebe: Come at me Donovan, I'll have your high school reputation far lower than your IQ!!

Gaming_Token_: Who even is this person anyways?? Why care about Tweek and Craigs relationship??

Kyle__Broflovski: Exactly, who are you and why?

Annie_Nelson__: Who cares who this is! The point is, is that Tweek is dumb enough to go back to that homophobic bitch. Tucker never gave a shit about anyone and he didn't about his soulmate!

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"Now to sit back and wait for Tweek to be mine~"

He pulled out his phone and turned up his sound, only to be met by continuous dinging of notifications.

"You that famous?" I teased, but when his brows furrowed deeper my smile was replaced with anxiety.

"I-is something wro-" my phone vibrated.

I pulled it out to be met by a multitude of messages.

Butters: Hey Tweek have you seen Coonsagram!

Butters: Everyone is freaking out buddy.



(Unknown Sender): Hey its Kyle, Kenny gave me your number.

(Unknown Sender): Have you seen Coonsagram?

Butters sent an image

Kenny sent an image

(Unknown Sender) sent an image

I looked up to be met with Craigs furious eyes.

"Someone took a picture of us not that long ago..." I said feeling my chest tighten.

We were being watched, we were being stalked.

We are being stalked. I could feel my blood fall to me feet, wanting me to just run! Craigs phone started going off and his face flushed. The noise went on longer enough to ground myself and ask "W-who's calling?" I muttered.

With a deep intake, Craig shakingly let out "My dad"

If anyone knows the artist please tell me their name so I may properly credit them ಥ_ಥ.

But anyways, I think that's a pretty good chapter if I'm being honest! I think I like this one but it was a hassle to write since I'm doing it over the phone.
(I've always done it over phone, but this chapter was hard)

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