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"Well answer it!" I said, Craig jumping just the slightest as he continued to stare at his phone. The dinging going off but not before starting up again.

"I-.. I can't- you answer!" He quickly replied, shoving his phone in my hands.

"W-what! No! I can't answer the phone are you crazy?!" I screamed shoving it back.

"Well I can't answer it! He's gonna- I- I don't know?!" Craig hastily said as he stared at the phone. I took a deep breathe as I watched him start to shake.

"If I answer it, you owe me" I said calmly. The phone started ringing for the forth time as I took it from his clammy grasp. He continued to stare at the phone as I answered it.


"Tweek Tweak? Where's Craig, honey?"

Cringing at the nickname, I continued
"Umm, Hes- he's here. But you're talking to me! So.. What d-did you need to tell him Mr. Alvarez?" I stammered.

"Mmm, call me Xavier. And the reason I was calling was.. Actually because of that post on Coonstagram. There's a bit of a split between people loving you boys and hating you boys, honeycomb"

Ugh, Honeycomb??

"what does he want??" Craig whisper-shouted. I shushed him as Mr. Alvarez continued.

"I just don't want any homophobic assholes coming for you. I care so much for you- boys.. I don't want anything bad happening. I don't want Mr. Tucker to lay a finger on either of you. Get what I'm saying?"

Breathe in Breathe out

"Look... Xavier, Craig and I can handle ourselves. And we have friends who can back us up! So if-if anyone tries to come at me or Craig! Well.. They got a thing coming for them!" I proudly declared. Meeting Craigs eyes made my heart skip a beat as he had a tint to his cheeks.

"You're cute when you try to be tuff-"


"If you so strongly believe this then I shall stand by and let you boys take care of things. But just tell Craig that I'm only a call away, always honeycomb"

"Why are you calling me that?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
Craigs eyes knitted as he still awaited an answer.

"Cause you remind me of a honeycomb, honeycomb" He laughed "Bye Tweek Tweak"


"He said people are supporting and hating us. And if we ever need help to call him" I explained, handing it back to him.
"What did he call you?" Craig asked looking at me with an expression I couldn't explain.

"Just... Don't worry! He's just looking out for us, but I know we can do this ourselves!"

Craigs face softened as he reached over and grabbed my hand, rubbing circles on it. For that small moment, we seemed content with our situation. Calm and easy.

For that moment-

"TWEEK! CRAIG!" Kenny yelled as he slammed his hands on our table, causing me to scream.

"The hells wrong with you McCormick!" Craig yelled as he grabbed the hood of Kennys jacket.

"I didn't mean to scare you, but we gotta go! Like now!" He said grabbing me and pulling me up.

"There isn't like a hate mob coming for us, right??" I asked, looking between the two as they looked at each other.
Kenny shook his head, but didn't verbally reply.

Craig took my hand as we met each other's gaze. "It's going to be okay" He whispered, kissing the back of my palm.

"I hope you're right" I whispered back. We followed Kenny out as we started to practically run.

"Can you at least explain what the hell is going on? And if not that then where?" Craig questioned as we started turning down our road.

"We are trying to get to Kyles house, and if not Kyles then Clyde or someone we can trust!" Kenny said, not looking back at us.


"We need to... plan? Kyle just said I needed to get you guys so we can work out a proper plan! The school has parted pretty much into two groups;
Creek Supports & Creek Haters-"

"Woah woah woah!" Craig said as we came to a stop.

"Creek?" He asked

"Well yeah... You guys don't know?" Kenny asked himself. Shaking our heads, Kenny came over and put a hand on either side of us.

"The C R in Craig, and the E E K in Tweek make Creek. It's your couple name"

"But- couple- I- We-" We stammered over our words trying to find something to say. Kenny just grabbed us and continued to pull us towards Kyles.

"So wait!" I finally found the words I was looking for "There is! A hate mob looking for us?"

"Not a hate mob, just a bunch of people who believe you two are too toxic for each other and shouldn't be together"

"And what about the supporters?" Craig questioned.

"Those are people who believe that love can push through, even if things get bad" Kenny answered as we stepped up to the porch.

The door swung open as if we were seen coming. Clyde quickly looked around before ushering us inside. In the living room sat many high schoolers, some even seem to be middle and elementary kids!

Those I did recognized were..

Kevin Stoley
And several more.

"Ruby, the fuck are you doing here?" Craig asked, bringing my attention to him and his little sister.

"I'm here to help you" She said looking up from her notebook.
"Oh yeah.. You're a 'Creek Supporter' that's why you want to help?" He questioned untrustingly.

With a sigh, she closed her book and stood up to better match Craigs height.
"I'm here to support you, I know I've done and said a lot to you in the past. And most times it was just to be on dads side, but if I could just show you that I do care then you don't have to leave with Mr. Alvarez! You can continue to stay here with us and Tweek! Y-you are my big brother Craig, I'm sorry"

"I- um.. Well, I guess you do owe me that favor" Craig said, rubbing his neck.

"I don't owe you shi-"

Craig kicked her shin, "I said it's fine since you owe me that favor"

"Oh! Oh right! That favor riiiiight! Absolutely!" She said winking at Craig.

"Well now that that's settled... Kyle?"

All eyes looked over to Kyle as he stood in front of the tv.

"Time to get this meeting started"

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