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You know those moments when you can't tell if you should regret something or be proud of it?

I could see the thoughts running through Craigs mind as we sat in the back of my parents shop. Ideally, somewhere less public would have been a choice but Craig couldn't go far from here. "So.." He started trying to get something going. "I'm just waiting for you to start, you wanted this conversation" I said, bluntly.

He hanged his head, biting at his lip.
'Fuck Tweek, give him a chance" I thought sipping at my coffee.

"Look.. I- I can't express how sorry or fucked up I am for saying anything at all! I don't want a chance to get with you, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be with you? I-... I want to start over Tweek Tweak. Say some new hi's and explain to everyone that I fucked up and apologized. I didn't think before I said anything.. Kyle came to me about how we were together. I was so upset I punched him in his goddamn face! I.. I do regret punching him if it means my father is satisfied with it. I think about you a lot Tweek.. More often than I do Stripes and that's saying something " He half laughed.

His quick smile faded as he knitted his eyebrows together in thought. I wasn't sure if I should say something or not, what do I say? I forgive you? That's too soon for me. It's okay? It really wasn't?

Before I could think of what to say he spoke up again. "I can't justify what I did, but I'm hurting because I hurt you.. And it feels HORRIBLE to know you're in pain.. I can feel it-" He covered his mouth staring away from me. At an instant, in sync, our eyes watered and we both held our chest.

"It hurts knowing- I broke the boy I think I like, you- you don't deserve me of all people to be your soulmate Tweekers" I had to bite my sleeve to cover my hiccups, Craig is crying. His voice quivers and he keeps staying a shaky breathe before continuing.

"If the universe gave me another chance- a chance to start over completely with you.. I would still do it now. Because I can't just make you forgot what I said... If you want to move on from me or just forget-" Both our faces are stained with tears as he fell silent, catching his breathe so he can speak properly.

"If you want to even forget that we're soulmates... Then I won't stop you, but if there is anything I can do... Anything at all so you won't hurt anymore just tell me..."

The room fell quiet with our shaky cries being the only thing between us. I wiped my face clean and put on stronger look. "Tucker-" I can't even get through the first word and I wanna cry again..

"I want to forget everything... Forget you, your words, and our high school past.." His eyes looked betrayed but he nodded in silence, taking a shaky sip of his coffee. He licked his lips and stood up.

"If that's what helps you- then I guess goodbye" He started his way to the door as I stood up. "I'm not done" I said aloud, louder than I would have spoke. He doesn't make a move, he only stands there.

I moved to him and stand behind him. "Excuse me" I said after a deep breathe. He turns around, eyes watering again.

"Welcome to Tweak Bros. Coffee... Name is Tweek Tweak" I introduced. He let out an attempt of a half laugh before turning fully to me. "Craig Tucker... Nice to meet you-" I cried, covering his mouth again.

I wasn't sure if I was making the right choice, but I know it was a start.

He threw himself into my arms, almost letting his weight fall on me. "Oh god please- I'm not strong!" I said trying to carry/hold him. He stood up again smiling. "I'm sorry, I believed you never wanted to hear from me again" He said.

"Calm down, before I change my mind" I said reaching for the door. I opened it up and in fell some listeners.

"Kenny Butters?!" "Clyde Token??"

"Uh... How's it going?" Kenny asked giving us finger guns. "Just we'll, thanks for asking.. Now move or I'll use you all as a rug" I said helping them get up"

"So did you guys make amends? Or?" Token asked. "You were eavesdropping, you don't know?" Craig said crossing his arms. "It got quiet after a bit! You couldn't hear anything!" He said defensively.

"We're starting over, making friends and moving up from there- If that's fine!" Craig said, quickly catching himself. "It's fine, just learn to keep that mouth of yours closed" I said winking. His face tinted as he looked away.

"Craig your gay is showing" Clyde mocked. "Shut up" Craig said flipping him off, his face growing in a pink color.

"Stop quoting people Clyde, and if you guys are starting over then what are your plans now?" Token asked.

"Well... I was gonna ask my 'new' friend if he would like to see a movie this weekend?" Craig asked. "Sly little fellow, huh?" Butters mumbled to me. I giggled at both their words and looked at Craig.

"I would go to the movies with you Mr. Tucker, but my mother told me not to talk to strangers" I teased. "Oh come on! Don't play hard to get!" Craig whined. "Should took the opportunity before you went around ounching people" I smiled. "I didn't even know you were gay! That's not fair!"

"I don't know Mr. Tucker, I'd have to ask my mother if it's safe~" I said, having fun with my game.

"It's safe for you to go to the movies Tweek you know this, but it's not safe if you don't have protection-"

"Mom!" I screamed, my face going red as everyone started laughing. "So is that a yes to the movies then?" Craig asked, his face now red in hue.

Yes it is Tucker, yes it is"

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