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I closed the curtains as quick as I could and threw myself to the floor.

Did Craig see me??

I slowly got up and peaked out the window. Seeing Craigs blinds closed and his parents heading inside. Kyle held his nose and walked away. I couldn't believe Craig actually- well I'm not surprised, but it's still a shocker.

I saw their car pull up so I got up to see and BAM Craig punched Kyle. I turned back around to my room and held myself. What did Kyle do to piss Craig off so much? Not only that, but I think it scared Craig. He ran inside with such wide eyes, he kinda looked like me when I'm worried. I looked at my wrist as I stared at the words.

"Soothing Like the Stars.. . Im only soothing to a family of banshees" I sighed, slightly laughing at myself. I sat on the floor of my room as it really sunk in.

Craig punched Kyle..

The boy I'm getting used to punched one of the nicest kids I know..

I pondered on it a bit before getting up, maybe Kyle was picking on Craig..

Oh god what if it's because I was at his house?! ? ! "I can't handle that! What if Craig bullies me?! ! Oh Jesus Christ please don't let this happen!" I said, panicking.

Next Morning

I sat up and looked over to Stripes, who was currently eating her breakfast. "I feel betrayed that you started your day without me" I yawned, stretching my body out. The events from yesterday played out like a sore throat before a performance.

"Why are you defending his actions? He punched someone!" My mom yelled. I layed in bed as Ruby hugged me. "That little faggot had it coming! It's been clear as day he is gay and it was right for Craig to punch him!"

They argued back and forth as Ruby and I stayed quiet, obviously disgusted by our fathers words. "He makes me sick" Ruby muttered, giving a big sigh out. "I know.. But we can't say anything.. Or hell hurt us" I whispered as I pulled Ruby closer to me. "I don't think he would hurt me.. But I can't day the same for you" She said, giving a small sorry at the end.

"No.. You're right, you're very much right" I said, closing my eyes. "When did you get this?" Ruby asked, touching the tattoo on my wrist. "A day ago? Maybe two, I'm not sure when I got it" I said looking at the teal like colors closely. "I like it" She said, yawning as she got comfortable. I looked at it again and stared at it deeply.

"Me too.."


Kind of short, but im going to end the chapter here just to let it sit there, I promise the next chapter will be longer!


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