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Tweek ran off passed our group as we watched Craig break down. "Damn, never would have guessed Tweek to be Craigs soulmate. That shit must hurt" Stan said with a tone of empathy. "If he didn't want it to happen, he shouldn't have said anything" I said.

I didn't give much of sorry seeing as Craig did punch me, but Tweek is a sweet kid. Maybe a bit fucked up, but sweet as hell. "Faggots deserve shit like this. They bring too much trouble" Cartman said, making Kenny, Stan and I roll our eyes. "Shut up fat boy" I said walking away. "Hey!" Cart man started, yelling at me for all kinds of shit. "I think I'm going to go after Butters and Tweek, I'll catch up later" Kenny said, running their way.

"Should we go after them as well?" Stan asked, obviously bored. "We could, but I think I don't want to see drama today" I said, gesturing to the small nose brace I had on. Although it was a single punch, Craig has it cut out for him for breaking my nose.

"Understandable, then do you want to just relax at my house? Shelly won't be home for the next three days!" Stan said happily. I started at the boy before smiling. "I'd love to be with you" I said. His eyes gleamed as he started talking about all the fun we would have.

As we walked to class I took a peak to my wrist and smiled.

I think it's the nicest hat I've ever known


"I h-hate him! I never want to see that jerk e-ever again!" I cried. I had stormed out of the school with Butters after THAT incident. I slowed down when we got off of school property, so did my cries. "I thought we really connected, I was such a fool to think he actually cared about me" I said with a small laugh.

"So you told him about you being gay?" Butters questioned. "Well just now I did.. But he still had no right! Saying all that and stuff" I said, my voice changed tones when I talked to Butters. I assume it's because he isn't Craig...

He shouldn't have said such hateful things, even if he's entitled to his opinions. But I guess he was more upset about everyone talking to him.. No! No excuses for Tucker! He had no reason to say all that- And in front of the school too! What kind of sick monster is-

My heart hurt saying that, I grabbed my chest as I tried to quiet my pain. "You okay Tweek?" Butters asked, concern deep in his voice. "Yeah, I'm fine" I mumbled, rubbing my chest.

"Tweek! Butters!" A voice, that belongs to Kenny, called from behind. When we turned around he reached us and came to a halt. "I wanted to come with you guys" He said, out of breathe. "I don't know Kenny.. I think Tweek wants to just be alone with me" Butters said, I didn't even look for what face they had on but I didn't want to know.

"Craig didn't mean-" Kenny started, I snapped.

"Didn't mean what?! How much he wants us fairies gone?! Or how he won't hurt any other gay child?!" I yelled.
"He didn't say any of that Tweek! You're blowing that out of proportion!" Kenny countered back.

"Maybe he did or maybe he didn't, but he sure as hell said something he never should have! I don't care if you is my soulmate, but I sure as hell wish he wasn't!" I yelled, the tears came back stronger.

The pain in my chest seeped throughout my body as I felt weak, falling to my knees. "Take it easy there Tweek.. You're going to hurt yourself" Butters said gently. "Just.. Take me to the c-coffe shop.." I said quietly. "You're welcomed to come, but I don't feel like yelling at anyone else today" I said to Kenny.

He started at us before helping Butters walk me to the shop.


"Thanks for staying guys" I muttered after I calmed down. "Don't worry about it, but I don't think school will be fun today" Token stated. "Yeah, it's just gonna be in the dumps now" Clyde said sluggishly, Token hitting him in the arm for it. "Let's just skip" I offered. They agreed and helped me to my feet.

By now, class has pretty much started, but surprisingly I haven't seen any of the teachers nor Hall monitors. "It's pretty dead inside.. weird" Clude said, getting closer to us. "Clyde I am not about to hold you back at the moment" I said trying to move away from him.

"Staff is in a meeting about the safety and control of soulmates.. Ironic huh" said none other than~

"Pete Thelman, what a surprise" Token sighed. He started at us as he held his cigarette in between his fingers. Pete sat on the steps of the stairs. He was one of the goth kids at the school, he was usually with three others but they were no where to be seen.

"Where's your little crew emo boy" I asked. "I'm GOTH, not fucking emo bitch" Pete said taking a deep draw of his cigarette. "And to answer your question, Henrietta found her soulmate and has moved on from us. Michaels conformist family moved away from here and Firkle comes and goes between me and the kids his age. Keeps saying he'll rule them and soon they'll understand or some shit" He said with a huff.

"Tough" Clyde said looking at us. "It's whatever though, I don't care. I'm doing fine without them and I'll do fine without a soulmate as well. Oh by the way Tucker, how did that go for you? The little coffee shop boy was furious on his way out" Pete smirked.

I tried my hardest to stay calm as I answered him. "I'm fine, and I don't care about him-" I whinced in pain as my heart seemed to burst in agony. "So stupid you know, when both parties of a soulmate hurt one another so deeply their own heart breaks with them.." Pete said getting up from his spot.

He walked past us as all emotions from him seemed to just seep out of him. "That's why I'll never have a soulmate, because conforming to love will just lead to your heart putting you in pain until your are forced to make amends or off yourself instead.. I will never do either one" He whispered just loud enough for us to hear before walking off. Leaving his footsteps the only thing we could hear.

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