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"No" I laughed. Cartmans face scrunched up in almost disgust before giving me a smile of his own.

"Pete.. Pete Pete Pete! You know what you're missing out on if you say no right? All your friends? Things going back to how they were? Seeing them again? You really going to just say no to that?" He asked, the disbelief heavy in his voice.

"Yes I am, you want to know why? Because I'm not going to waste my time on anyone who believes in soulmates. If Firkle wants to conform so be it! He already has! If Henrietta wants to conform to love! So be it! Michael sure as hell is gone, but you know what? He left for a reason... His fucking family needed the job they were offering them so that's why they had to leave! I'm not going to just.. Let you drag them back here!" I scoffed, shaking my head as I stared at him.

Cartman had an expression I couldn't describe. One that held ill intentions yet he seemed to ponder it all anyways.

"Conformist fucking love is what I've been saying since forever practically! I despise it! But I'm not just going to let you ruin that for my friends. Raven is happy, Michael is better off where he is now, Firkle and Henrietta must of found someone who they saw understood them if they really went off to be with them! They might have left me, but that's nothing to me" I continued as I went to look out the window.

Kyle Broflovski was bundled up as he quickly walked down the side walk.

"You have such a way for words... I'm also sorry for your sad sad life" Cartman picked.

"Wish I could say the same for you" I mumbled.

He pushed me against the window, his arm up against my neck.

"Listen here Thelman! I going to give you the offer once more before I go meet up with Kyle! Either you spread the information of fucking soulmates or I take you down. I know a multitude of ways to break you without even messing with YOUR life!" Cartman threatened, pushing harder on my neck.

I took quick breathes of air trying to focus on controlling my breathe.

"And what exactly does that entail?" I quickly shot, feeling my throat tightening.

"Well for starters~ If word got around that you were on my side of this bullshit fight then what would your friends think? I know they are on the lovers side! And for you not to be there? Well, that's quite suspicious" He taunt.

"You... You would be messing with my life! How does that count as a threat you made... You made before!" I argued, slowly losing my breathe. I grabbed either side of his arm and tried pushing it off, getting a bare amount of air from it.

"What if I did your job for you? What if I spread the fake love around and got your little emo friends heart broken? Don't forget, die of a broken heart or off your self instead? Would that he something they do? Hmm Thelman?" My breathe started to pick up.

"No! Don't- Don't-" I started gasping clawing at his arm as he pushed harder.

"Or what if I decide to bring that tall emo bitch? Give his family's job a call, get him fired, forced to move back here! Stans probably dying of a heartbreak as we speak! Little Kyle decided to take my offer on dating in exchange of leaving Tweek and Craig alone. You know, I even like Tweek and Craig! But the opportunity to finally call Kyle mine would have been worth it!" Cartman laughed.

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