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Why do people feel hurt for others? Why do people hate others? It's empathy, it's emotional intelligence. Where does the line draw between understanding to absolutely nothingness.

Does it draw between Me to Cartman?
Does forgive have a limit to where it's given?
Does any of us deserve this?

Taking a breathe I drew my eyes to the whiteboard before me. The lesson plan written out. Mr. Garrison on his phone as he expects us to do it ourselves.

Is that what we're supposed to do?
Figure it out by ourselves as they stand by un amused by our results?

"Mr. Garrison! I don't quite get this question?" Bebe said as she stared at her paper.

"Bring it over, and we'll see what it means together" Mr. Garrison said, tossing his phone aside.

What it means together

"This sucks" I heard Clyde mumble.

"Just like your mom" Jimmy muttered back.
Several people around snickered and held back their laughs as Clyde profusely swore at him.

Together I guess.


"Mom, how did you know Mama was your soulmate?"

"Because as soon as she finished telling me how important I am. My arm tingled, kinda like an itch"

"An itch!? That's weird"

"It is isn't..but when you feel it.. You'll know caus its enough to make you freeze like- but.. I'm not good at explaining"

"I think I get it.. I hope I find them soon"

"It's gonna happen, don't stress about it so soon
I promise"

"Hey Pete, My lunch is now... And since you technically ate mine.. Wanna come with me to the food court?" Mike entered the back, making me jump.

"Yeah yeah, sorry" I stood up stretching as he started at me.

"Don't stare freak" I said, causing him to bark out a laugh.

"My bad, didn't know I needed permission from your royal highness"

Smirking I replied." To get a look at this? You need to start paying at this point"

Walking out we made our way to the food court, talking about just... Everything. Anything that we liked. Things we were into, things we did back then.

"Hey, I'm going to the restroom real quick" He said, walking away.

Nows my chance. I pulled up my sleeve and stared at the words on my arm.

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In beautiful red, I found my soulmate; Mike Makowski.

THIS IS SHORT BUT IT'S SHORT SO I CAN GET USED TO WRITING AGAIN. I guess to speak I gave up. I gave up on writing I gave up on my dream. I gave up on myself.

In the year I stopped tho, I got a job. Found someone amazing, made some awesome friends. And I started thinking about this. I missed this. So I came back for a week now and I didn't do anything.. Caus I was scared. I was scared of what you guys would say. What y'all would do, I was scared no one cares. But being scared shouldn't stop me from what j love.

Which is sappy cringy second hand embarrassing gay stories-

But it was writing one way or another. So I did this. And I hope it gives some insight on Tweek and What continued after Pete and Mike. This is still the direction I'm going, so far nothing is changing to the story.

Including Craig's biological father 👀

But that's not set in stone. But I'm thinking of a q n a? Just to see where everyone's head is at? Yea? Let me know!

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