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Clyde is going to tell Craig. I just know it. I was shaking like a chihuahua as I made my way to my art class. I'm not even sure if Craig and his group skipped, but seeing Clyde when I walked inside answered my questioned. I walked passed him,  quickly taking my seat. I wasn't scared  of Clyde, I was more worried he's going to tell the whole class I have a 'crush' on Craig. "Good Afternoon class! I'm Mr. Hope, and I'll be your substitute teacher for today! Mrs. Anderson is attending her son's wedding out of town and she thought that it would be a good idea to paint your soulmate, your tattoo, or what you think one of the two will be" Mr. Hope said starting the class rather quickly. "You can either draw, paint, anything that you can turn in today" He finished as he pulled out different supplies for us to work with. I got up and grabbed some paint. I had a feeling I was going to use my canvas today. I love art, it's beautiful in every unique way.

I sat down and pulled out my canvas. I took a deep and rolled up my sleeve to look at my tattoo. It was a sort of blue green... Aquamarine? Teal? Yeah Teal. It was written in a teal color and it was sort of fancy looking. I giggled to myself thinking that Craig might actually have said this. Soothing like the Stars- definitely something Craig would say when he's having a good day. I looked over paints trying to recreate the color scheme. Once I got the teal color I painted the canvas a coffee cream color. I let it dry as I pulled out a paper and practiced the words, and it was pretty difficult. It's a type of font I haven't seen before, and I loved it! Once I got good enough, and the canvas dried, I grabbed my thinnest brush and took a deep breathe.

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I looked at the picture and felt pretty proud of myself. I started to let it air dry and clean up my desk when he walked over. "Hey Tweek" He said smiling. "Um h-hi" I stuttered. "What did you... " He trailed off as he looked at the canvas. "No way.. " He mumbled in confusion. "What" I asked in a demanding tone. I don't know why, but I got defensive over my tattoo. My soulmate tattoo at that. "Er- Uh nothing! I'm just... I just really like your painting" Clyde lied. I knew he had something on his mind that he wasn't telling me. The bell rang making me jump. "Well thanks" I said getting up to clean up like I wanted to. I cleaned and dried my brush and looked back at my desk- my empty desk. "Where's my canvas... Clyde Donovan!" I said stomping on the ground. He took it! I just know he did, He better not mess up the paint. I grabbed my stuff as quickly as possible and ran out the room. Gym is next, he wouldn't dare skip since the couch will get on to him. I spotted his running body at the another end of the hall. "CLYDE! GIVE ME BACK MY PAINTING" I yelled. The hallway got mostly quietly as I rushed after the brunette.

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