~Halloween Special~

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Note: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I decided that a Halloween special would be cool to do! Just a little information, this is set in the FUTURE. The main story is set around like September-November. And this is set a YEAR from then, so you can picture this as an add on to their future happy ending!! Enjoy~


"Tweeeeeek! Staaaaaaaan! Cmon! I wanna go now please!" Kenny called, muffled from behind the bathroom door.

"Ah ah! You can't rush this masterpiece" Stan putting more fake blood onto his sponge. My face tinted at his words as he continued to put the makeup on, just glad the paleness of the makeup is hiding it.


"HEY! You want Tweek to look his best, you shut the fuck up! I'm trying to concentrate, but when I have you guys breathing down my back I can't do that! That's why we're in here! And you're out there" The sound of the door being kicked rang throughout the restroom as Stan grabbed the fake teeth.

"Ready to put these in?" He asked, not missing the glint in his eyes.

"Guess I'll have to be" I opened my mouth as he put them in, explaining how the glue in them is safe to swallow in small amounts. He turned to quickly put the blood and fangs into his mouth before smiling.

"I love Halloween! They say it's the day where the veil thins and spirits come to earth to visit! Isn't that awesome?!" Picking up the mess, we quickly cleaned up and headed out. Stepping into Craig and I's room, Kenny and Butters we're playing on Butters switch- dressed as pirates.

Kyle was on his phone, completely ignoring Clyde. Kyle dressed as a vampire, Clyde as a werewolf.

Token, who is also a werewolf, was helping Ike, Ruby, and Karen fix their costume. The three of them and also somehow Firkle agreed to go as the humans from Scooby Doo.

"Finally! I thought you'd never finish!" Craig said, his demon costume wrinkled from moving so much.

"I told you Stan always gets perfect details into his costumes! That's why I said not to ask him for help!" Kyle looking up. Agreements followed suit as Stan rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say! We're ready now so let's go!" He cheered, turning out.

"We have to meet Firkle at the School! He said he'll be there so long!" Ike shouted, jumping up and running out as well.

"Let's go get candy!"
"Just hope we don't run into Cartman-"
"Candy! Candy! Candy!"
"Aren't you guys too old to being trick or treating?"
"18 ain't old!"
"Let's hurry or the good houses will be empty!"

The room slowly emptied as I hurried to put my shoes on.

"Here's your phone" Craig held his hand out for me. Taking my phone and looking at him, I smiled.

"I don't know about you, but I'm kinda excited.. Being able to just.. Go have fun with everyone! Yeah, I wanna have fun tonight" I sheepishly looked away as I fiddled with my gloves.

"Been a busy year huh, a lot has happened... But I'm glad where we ended up" Craig pulled me into a hug.

Hugging him back I relaxed into his arms.

"CRAIG! I WANNA GO AND EAT CANDY, NOT WAIT FOR YOU TO FINISH EATING TWEEK SO HURRY THE FUCK UP!" Kenny screamed, the groups muffled disapproval right after.

"SHUT UP MCCORMICK! DO YOU WANT US TO GET KICKED OUT OUR APARTMENT?!" Craig started his way down stairs, surely to give Kenny a piece of his mind.



"Tweek! You trick or treating?"

"Oh! Pete! Y-yeah. Craig and I were just about to leave. You?"

"I don't know, Firkle and Henrietta are.. Not sure I want to though"

"Yeah, I get it. But you change your mind, we're heading to the school for the haunted halls, then trick or treating. You can call or text to catch up"

"I'll think about it.. Might text Mike and see if he's doing anything"

"You do that, I'll talk to you then alright?"

"Alright, see you soon pumpkin-"

"Bye Spice!" I hung up in time for Kyle to stomp in.

"Your boyfriend is fighting Kenny and Stan wants to fix my makeup- please hurry"

"I'm coming I'm coming!" I grabbed my pillowcase and ran out.


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