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⚠️ Warning: Child Abuse, and Self harm is mentioned in this chapter. If you do not take this very easily then you can decide to skip or read with caution ⚠️


I opened my eyes as Stripe kept furiously messy with me. "What's wrong?" I asked sitting up. The sun was mostly down by now and it wasn't until I heard my door being messed with was what I realized why Stripe was so freaked out. "Shit" I mumbled as I grabbed Stripe's cage. I put her inside and placed her hidden under my computer desk.

As soon as I got up the door slammed open and my dad held a belt in one hand. "You useless piece of shit!" He yelled, hitting me across the face with the leather object. I fell to the floor holding my check as he yelled and hit me repeatedly. "Thomas stop!" My mom screamed as she came running into my room. He immediately pulled her out the room and locked my door. "You will respect me in this house hold or I'll hit you straight!" He threatened. "Make me bastard" I said spitting at him. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me to him, I tried to hold on to something but nothing was there. A sharp quick pain pierced my back as he used the buckle to hit me. I turned on my back and started kicking him as hard as I could. "Let me go!" I screamed, Stripe making noises in a panic attack.

"That's it you little shit" He said dropping the belt and sitting on top of me. His fist collided with my face as my bed door swung open. My mom pulled him off, he of course got one finally hit on me. He slammed his foot into my stomach as my mom started yelling at him, pushing him away. I was left on my bedroom floor trying not to cry. I shakily got on my knees coughing up a bit of blood. "Brother?" Tricia said as peaked into my room. She saw me as shook with fear. "I'm ok Ruby, I just need to get to the bathroom" I said using her nickname. She nodded and ran over to me. She used her first grade muscles to help carry me to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet as she watched for further instructions. "Go hide... In your room until I say to come out" I said, she nodded and quickly left. I got up and closed the door, hearing my parents downstairs. I looked in the mirror and saw myself.

I could tell a was going to get a bruise right on my cheek, my top lip was sort of busted. When I pulled up my shirt to look at my back the skin was teared into from the belt. Even my stomach might have a bruise. I turned on the sink to wash the blood off my lips and out my mouth. I grabbed the first aid kit and dug for something useful. I just put a bandaid over the slowly forming bruise so I won't have to look at it. I stared at myself in the mirror feeling weak for not fighting back. I bit my lip to stop myself from tearing up. I hated this, I knew he would hit me again. I should have protected myself, I should have done something then be stubborn. Maybe this was my punishment.

Maybe I'm being punished for being a mistake of a tattoo child. I knew my mom had me from her soulmate, but my real dad never wanted her or me. I looked down and realized what I was about to do... But I didn't stop myself. I let myself slide against the wall as the razor slide against my skin. I gritted my teeth in pain as I cut.

One for being a mistake
Two for not fighting
Three for scaring Ruby
Four for never saying anything

I dropped the razor and just cried. I wanted this to all end, but how can I help myself if I never say anything I keep myself unemotional so no one can see how weak I am. "Craig? Honey you're dad is out the house" My mom said knocking on the door. I calmed myself down and grabbed the wrap from the aid kit. "Craig? Are you ok?" She asked. I wrapped my arm and hid the razor behind my dad's stuff. "Craig please answer the door" She pleaded. I took one last look in the mirror before opening the door.

Her eyes were red as she looked at me. "I'm so sorry" She whispered. She grabbed my wrist and looked at the wrap. "Do you.. " She asked her eyes growing wide. "No... Dad scratched me as I tried to pull away" I lied. "I should have helped sooner I'm so sorry" She cried as she pulled me into an embrace. I hugged back then walked over to Tricia's door. "You can come out" I said quietly. The door opened and she threw herself into me. "I'm sorry" She cried. "It's not your fault" I sighed, getting to her level for a better hug. "Cmon, I want you kids to get dressed for bed then stay in bed with me. I don't trust you two alone in your rooms" My mom said rubbing our hair. We said ok and went to get changed.

As I put on a white shirt and pajama pants my wrist stung and tingled in a weird way. I rubbed it hoping my wounds didn't open a bit more. I heard Stripe and went over to her. "I'm sorry you had to witness that, Dad just had another fit and took it out on me" I whispered as I grabbed the cage. I got up and walked out the room and to my mom's.


I wonder why his wrist tingled as well 🤔..... Maybe a certain character thought about him at that time? And if so... What does his wrist say? ~Fiction_lover

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