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"Stop taking Butters from me!" Kenny yelled as I dragged Butters away from him once again. "Did something happen?" Butters asked once I stopped pulling him and started actually walking. "I don't know, I want to domeine to walk with me" I said hugging my binder. "Did Craig did something?" Butters asked. "More like he threatened me when I made a joke about space. Note to self, he loves space" I said sighing.

"Aw that sucks buddy, but maybe it's a sour subject?" Butters questioned. We were heading to lunch, or off school for coffee at the shop. You're  aloud to leave, but only for lunch/ if a teacher says so. "More like Mr. Monotone is protecting Senpai space" I said pushing open the doors. "Don't be like that Tweek, just give him some time and you two will get along. I just know it!" Butters said happily. "Butters, my chance with him is below zero" I said rolling my eyes. It was starting to snow and kind of quick, light and quick. "You have a chance with him. Even if he's straight!" Butters added before I protest.

"Sorry Butters, but my chance with Craig is out of this world" I said feeling my face tint pink. I felt something hard and cold hit me, knocking me off my feet. "Tweek!" Butters screamed. I slowly sat up to see Butters getting on to Stan Marsh. "You ok?" Kenny asked standing over me. "You mean besides my throbbing side? No I'm not" I answered coldly like the snow. "I'm just saying" He said offering me a hand. I took it as Stan and Butters walked over to us. "I'm sorry dude, I meant to hut Kenny" Stan apologized. "It's fine" I said rubbing my face. "Are you sure?" He asked concerned. He's a good guy don't get me wrong, he just can't pick up on things. For example~ It's very obvious that his ' super best friend ' Kyle is either his soulmate or he has a crush on Stan. Of course Stan doesn't see this because he doesn't pick up on the hints and he likes Wendy Testaburger.

"Yes I'm sure, let's just go Butters" I said pulling him with me to get away from them. We walked passed two houses before Kenny joined ended up joining us, because he didn't want to be hit by a snowball. Butters and him talked- which is fine by me. I just didn't want to be alone for the walk. "So you like Craig?" Kenny blurted. My eyes widened as Butters elbowed him. "N-no I don't like him! Something just happened ok!" I yelled. "Jeez defensive much. But you don't have to hide it, I sort of over heard your conversation earlier" Kenny said as we approached the shop. "I don't like him" I said bluntly. "Do to~" Kenny teased, earning a scold from Butters.

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"I don't have a crush on Craig Tucker!" I said, knowing my whole face was red. I went to open the door to the coffee shop but it was already opened- by Clyde. "God dammit" I muttered. Clyde stared at me eyes wide as he held a tray of coffee, most likely for everyone in his group. "You like Craig?" He asked in shock. "No I do not!" I argued yet again. "He's in denial" Butters said entering the shop with Kenny. "I won't tell him if you tell me the truth" Clyde said quickly. "Truth is Butters thinks Craig is my soulmate, and that I like him. But I have a chance of being his soulmate like I have a chance of actually being normal" I said feeling myself getting more upset by the second.

"... So you do you like him, but in denial?" Clyde said raising a brow. "J-just don't say any of this to him!" I yelled and walked inside before he could continue to ask me questions. I walked to the back to make myself a drink and sandwich. I took a deep and calmed down. "At least it wasn't Craig holding the door, right?"


Clyde was running to Tokens car as quick as possible. "GUYSITHINKTWEEKTWEAKHASACRUSHONCRAIG!" He yelled, almost spilling our hit chocolate. "Dude don't spill the drinks and slow down" Token said as we grabbed our drinks. Of course Clyde took forever calming down before he actually spoke something. "Ok this is serious" He said looking at us. I took a sip as he continued. "I think Tweek Tweak has a crush on Craig" Once I heard my name I practically threw up my drink- spilling it everywhere. I turned to the backseat where Clyde sat and looked him dead in the eyes. "You have to be fucking with me" I asked honestly upset.

"I'm not! I told Butters and Kenny he didn't have a crush on you but I asked him he was flustered and his face was red" Clyde said. He told his story in details as I zoned out and thought for a while.


"Grandma, Dad said if I ever liked a boy I would go to hell... I don't want to go" six year old me cried as I sat on my grandmother's lap. "Don't listen to him Starlight. He just doesn't like two boys being together" She said softly. "What is your opinion on it?" I asked. "I say be who you are. Don't mold yourself to your father's liking. If you grow up liking boys, you grow up liking boys" She finished by kissing my head. I giggled and hugged her happily. "Starlight, promise me not to mold yourself for your father or anyone. Not even me" She said holding out her pinky. "I promise!" I said happily taking hers with mine.

I'm sorry Grandma, but I broke that promise.


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