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"Project is over Neptune right?" Clyde asked looking at us. "It's over Venus" I quickly said. I knew everyone was giving me a look, but I kind of don't care. It was more of I can't see if Tweek was looking. "Venus.. Right. How should we create the project?" Clyde asked.

"It could be a poster, a
3-d model, or essay" Token stated. "I'm not working on an essay" I said "Same, to much work to think of the words and order" Tweek chirped. At least he's talking. "So is it going to be a poster or 3-d model?" Clyde asked looking over us for a reply, he got nothing.

I looked at our surroundings and saw we were approaching Tweek Bros Coffee. "We're going to stop at the coffee shop so Tweek can tell his parents he's going to be with us" Token said, seeming to know what I was going to ask. "I'm going to go in and go to restroom" I said throwing open the door. "I want a cappuccino!" Clyde said getting out with Tweek and me. "Let's all get off then" Token said turning off the car. We entered the shop and I immediately made a beeline for the restroom.

"Sup Tucker" Kyle said, who was sitting on the floor writing. "Don't talk to me while I'm doing my business" I pointed out as I entered a stall. "So how's your day~" Kyle said, his tone teasing me. "Fuck off twink" I said. "It's not an insult if it's true" He simply replied back. "Wait your gay?" I asked leaving the stall.

"Dude it's so obvious it's getting Stan doesn't see it" Kyle said. I washed and dried my hands before turning my attention to him. "Well I guess I'll beat your ass for being gay" I simply said back. He wasn't even paying attention so I turned to leave- "No you won't" Kyle said. I stopped on my tracks staring at the door.

"What do you mean I won't? I'll do anything I want" I said quickly turning to him. "Sure you have beaten kids in the pass" He said getting up, he gotten in my face and finished his sentence. "But name one kid who has gotten a bruise from you that is gay" I stared at him as he patted my back and threw open the door.

Clyde Token, and Tweeks eyes and ears looked over at us as Kyle called "Face it Tucker! You're one of us" And with that he left the shop. "Ok? Let's go then" Token said as they left, leaving me to slowly follow.

"What did Kyle want?" Clyde asked. "And what did he mean one of us?" Token questioned even further. I looked between the three as they all stared at me. "It's nothing" I mumbled as I turned to face the window.

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